Stairs - May 23, 2019
Have you ever tried to run up a flight of stairs? If you are in good shape then it could be easier but you will still have hard parts. If you are out of shape, you may feel like passing out or turning back. Either way, you are either prepared to press on or you give up. Our spiritual walk is like stairs. Lord Willing, we are all going up towards Jesus. Some people are spiritually strong and can keep going. They are strong because they are reading their Bible, praying without ceasing and have a relationship with the One who gives them their strength. There are other people who put on an outward healthy appearance but when they start getting on steeper steps they stop and turn around. You will know a person by their fruits. And then there are the people who start at the bottom, go up a few steps and then stop to rest and they get stay there, eventually causing others to stop and stay there too. Don't be a part of a crowd, be an encouraging leader, that pushes others toward Jesus. W...