
Showing posts from 2020

LifeJacket - August 14, 2020

If you had the chance to say something that could save someone's life, wouldn't you do it?  Guess what you do, 11-12hrs a day you can share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Why don't we do it? Lack of time, lack of compassion, lack of a spiritual view that isn't distorted by what worldly things we puts in our minds, insecurity, fear of rejection, fear of being embarrassed. These things have already been spoken about in the Bible. Now rise up man and woman of God, and go share Jesus. They aren't rejecting you, they are rejecting God, which should break your heart more! If you see someone drowning, would not you help? Throw them a life vest or something to help? Call for help? Spiritually, there is a world full of drowning in their sins people, share them Jesus. He saves, He delivers and He heals. He doesn't need us but He chose us to help further His kingdom. Today may be the last day for someone, share Jesus.  In the morning when I rise / In the morning when I rise I...

No Dead Ends - August 18, 2020

Last week a beautiful woman of God spoke about there are no dead ends. Today I was driving and saw this dead end road, with land for sale at the end and  I remember what she said. And then more hit me. This was someone's land, at one time it was wanted, nourished and tended. They desired it for a season, then grew tired of it and are trying to sell it. Don't quit tending your promised land. So many times God may tell us to do something but we don't because we are afraid or worried about what others may say but there are no dead ends only the promised land in front of us. Don't grow weary of tending your ministry or path God has given you, don't neglect what God has called you to do, don't sell out when you are tired or worn down. Gird yourself up, and RUN towards your promised land. God is your strength! If you don't take care of it, someone else will come in to claim it.  Someone saw money when looking at this land. Me? I see beauty. Your promised land, isn...

Accountability - August 27

I blocked myself from facebook from 9am-9pm. I need less facebook and more Bible, reading and kid time. Im on day 2 and today I blocked chrome, messenger and other stuff too. The media, news, outside world period is draining. You wouldn't believe all the random stuff you want to google and you can't. And at the end of the day, I dont ever care to get on here. Thankful for a lil free app that does this for me because I couldnt do it by myself. Spiritually don't we all need accountability. You don't have to do it alone. Being a fake person, carrying around a fake life and a fake image will cause you to drop it all off one day and cause others to fall. As Christians we are NOT perfect and like the Bible says confess our faults one to another. If we all listened and quit hiding things, you might have a good friend that would help you, pray with you and be accountable. How are you going to be set free from the words of your testimony if that testimony is covered up with a fa...

Soldier - August 30, 2020

My friends I love you and I need to tell you something that God showed me while talking to my awesome mentor this week. A man joined the army, He fought hard for ones who didn't even know his struggles and he felt unhappy. He got hurt, and lost his excitement he first had upon enlistment. Someone from behind enemy lines talked him into coming over to their side. So now this man, lets call him Akuji,  he has two armies, one army he left for the other, the 2nd army is only using him for information and he is enslaved to them now. Akuji decides he has to get away from army number 2 and has tried but they keep finding him and dragging him back. They sneer " once a traitor always a traitor, you dog lay in your own ruin, you have a new master now". Akuji, more miserable now realizes his first army was more loyal than this one. He sneaks out and gets caught right between the armies as they begin war. Now which army sees Akuji as trustworthy? Neither of them. Which army sees Akuj...


There is coming an undoing in America. Agony will be brought forth. Things will not be done the same, nothing will be as it was. People will pray but they will still hear the cries of agony around them. People will pray but they will still see the agony around them. The undoing of America is coming. And it is time to pray.

Who is Saul ? - May 28, 2020

Someone asked me about the Spirit of Saul, ironically when I wrote my last blog on Jezebel, Saul was someone that was associated with it. But I am still learning so I told them I would search out and read the Bible and see what I could find out. So Saul, who was Saul? Well, which one? Old Testament or the New Testament one? One died by his own sword and one transformed into a mighty warrior for God by a miracle. Let's look at them side by side. Saul #1 Saul #2 Shepherd when found by Samuel Trained to know the Bible was a scholar Hide in baggage when chosen to be King Stepped up Showed strong leadership skills Showed leadership by finding and persecuting Christians Had a problem that he couldn’t solve, introduce David Fought and killed Christian, but couldn’t fix his blindness problem on his own, introduce Ananias David played Lyre to calm evil spirit on Saul Saul became consumed with tryin...

4/30/2020 - Spirit of Divination

Tonight, the name Jezebel came to my mind so I started looking up Bible verses about her. Then I ended up reading James and I & 2 Peter. Then the word spirit of divination came to my mind during prayer time. I couldn't really remember much but the one verse is in the Bible so I looked it up in Acts 16:16-18 ( As we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination and brought her owners much gain by fortune-telling. She followed Paul and us, crying out, “These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to you the way of salvation.” And this she kept doing for many days. Paul, having become greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And it came out that very hour.) So this spirit literally put on a false pretense of knowing God all for a distraction. So I get my Bible again and it falls open to 1 Chronicles 10, the death of Saul. I started reading 1 Chronicle...

4/27/2020 - The Boot and The Red Faced Man

Oh my sweet sweet Jesus. You never change, you are good and you love me! We have everything we need because we have Jesus! We do not need money, jobs or false identities to feel complete! We are complete in Jesus!!!!! HALLELUJAH my God, you are good all the time and all the time you are good! This is what I was made for, to be a warrior and fight for God's path for my life. So I wanted to encourage some of yall, get up off that ground, shake off the dust, there is LIFE off the ground, there is a fresh wind a blowing and it smells like a sweet fragrance of the Holy Spirit. The fresh anointing will start raining down on you and you shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord. This isn't the end, this isn't the beginning, this is the path that God designed for you, and it is perfect in Him! He made you, he formed you, he holds you in his hands and in Him you are complete and loved. Identification in Christ is all you ever need, His blood is the stamp tha...

4/27/2020 - Emotional Healing

This has truly been a year of change for me. I have willingly allowed myself to uncover suppressed past memories and deal with them. I have gone back to writing and I truly love to sing just completely alone, with nobody listening but God. I sing to speak life and encourage myself, I don't need others opinions of what to do, I don't want others words that don't mean anything to me, I need to sing for me and for what God has done and will do in my life. Life is so precious, m emories can haunt you, encourage you or propel you, but they will change you. Temporary fixes won't heal deep wounds. They need in-depth surgery to correct the main issue. Time doesn't heal, it just covers up the pain, but one word or memory can bring it back fresh and it hurts all over again with anger mixed in. It never heals until you deal with it. Praise God for being the Great Physician and our healer. Not just physically but emotionally and spiritually. He is the one I cling to, He is the ...


I am a hands on person, if there is a problem I run to help. But I physically cant go anywhere right now. Last night as I watched the weather heading towards my family and friends, talked to my mom on the phone and saw my friends asking for prayers, there was no way to be hands on physically. There was only one way to be hands on and that was through Jesus. As I was praying, the story of Jesus calming the storm came to me. He controls all storms of our lives. Either we can st ay in wordly security or we can fully trust Him and walk on the uncertainies of life while walking towards Him. Last night, I had to be a Peter and trust Him despite the dangers and fears surrounding my boat. I had to remember He loves them more than me and He will take care of them. Last night, I prayed God help my loved ones and HE did, HE protect them IN the storm. Storms come in our lives but when God is IN the storm with you, you will be ok. Trees are down, fences are down, shingles are gone but loved ones ar...

4/18/2020 -99% of Battery

99% of battery, first thing I think of is I need to go charge it. Why? Because my baby shark loving 2yr old will steal it and it will be empty by afternoon. Isn't 99% enough for now? Nope, I'm going to go charge it. It isnt fully charged at 99, not till it is completed at 100% is at its best and functional for later. 99 sheep, and the Shepherd leaves them to find the one missing sheep. 1 matters. 1 soul matters. 1 person matters to God, shouldn't they matter to us? Go be a li ght in this dark world and rejoice with all of Heaven when that 1 sinner repents. Go and share the gospel. This world is full of fear right now, share Jesus and show the world we can have joy and peace in the midst of our trials, because we have JESUS. Luke 15:4-10 ESV "What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it? [5] And when he has found it, he lays it on his s...

4/17/2020 - Jesus, I take you.

Time still continues no matter what has stopped your world. God is still on the throne today, the virus doesn't change that. Do you trust him only in the good times or do you trust Him in the bad? Just like marriage vows, if you are a Christian you should be committed to serving God in the better or the worse, and till death do you part and you see Him face to face. Maybe it is time for some of us to hit our knees and refresh our relationship with our King and get to know our  first love all over again. Stop looking for others, drugs, alcohol, sex, porn and pride to fill something inside you that they can never fill. People will hurt you and knock you down but thank God I know a man who loved me so much He had nails put through his skin, ligaments, tendons, bones and blood vessels for me! He took beatings for my sins, He bled for me, then He died for me. Who else deserves my undivided love and attention? Only My Jesus. I, ____, need you, JESUS, to be the Lord of my life, to hav...

4/9/2020 - Nutella

ts so hard to decide on needs vs wants. The inner fat kid says this is essential but since I'm trying to get well and back healthy I probably shouldn't. The struggle is real, will I buy it and be temporarily happy or stand strong and be better off? Spiritually: Your sinful self aka the worldly man fights your spiritual man. Who wins? The one you feed the most. Feed your spiritual man with the word of God, pray and stand in God's will for your life. Sin will sneak in with just a thought, if you entertain the thought who are you feeding? Sins temptation is subtle at first then it evolves. Sin is a temporary happiness that then resuls into anger, bitterness and despair. Don't give up, resist temptation and it will flee. Setup boundaries and guard your temple of God. Dont entertain temptation but restrain it.

4/7/2020 - My Reflections

Coronavirus, to most it would offer a fearful emotion but for me, it causes feelings of relief and expectancy. You see to some this is detrimental to their very way of life and to some this calm time is what we have been praying for. Death of friends, family members or people, no we didn't pray for that. I of all people know the cruel sting of death, it hurts and scars you deep, life is never the same after such despair. I prayed for change and revival. I prayed that America would wake up and fall to their knees. After the Governor of New York lit up the World Trade Center tower pink, I knew then things were going to change. You can't celebrate killing children and expect God to pat you on the back and say that it is ok. You can't turn your back from God, deplete yourself of moral values and think He is going to shine on your worst day, when you blocked the sun out yourself. God is a jealous God. America, we have setup idols just like the Israelites. For the ones that don...

04/05/2020 - COVID

Physically: Those worldly essentials won't help you. You will die one day or today. But where you go does matter. You arent in control of others or your life. Spiritually: It is essential you know God. Life is short, you can't physically take anything with you. Spiritually when you die, you have Jesus, if you believe in Him and repent of your sins. Or if you think I'm crazy and Jesus isnt real then, you are going to Hell with the Devil. That's truth, and that is essential. You cant buy your way out of eternity except through Jesus' blood.

04/03/2020 - Basketball Deflated

My basketball is deflated, it's useless right now. I didnt use it like I should and it showed. So I got my handy dandy air inflator and it was good as new. Spiritually; During quarantine, seek God, study, learn to pray, learn to worship by yourself, learn to preach to yourself, learn to listen to God. Reinflate your spiritual life with the sweet presence of God. If you always rely on other people to keep you "spiritually full" when you get alone one day you will be useless. T ake this time to find the real true meaning to discover what being a child of God is all about today. And when this is over we will see a different church, one that our country needs. Pray, Study, Learn, Meditate, and Live out the Word of God.

04/02/2020 - Donuts

8 cold donuts in fridge. Me: I'm going to heat them in oven. Kids: no we like them cold. Me: Thats cause you have never had them hot. Spiritually: are you a hot Christian about to be used or a cold Christians hiding in fridge? Use this time to learn, grow and listen to what God tells you to do. Are you faithful or Full of FAITH? Are you hopeful? or FULL of HOPE? Are you REDEEMED or redeeMEd? Seek Jesus, live in Him and love Him with all your heart, soul, mind. Cold or Hot? We all know when that hot sign is on and we flock to it. Be the type of Christian that God is in and people see the consuming fire of God in your life.

04/01/2020 - Demons

Watching Pilgrims Progress with the kids this am. The demons were chasing Christian and a guy started fighting them off while Christian ran down the straight path. Me: Kids this is why you pray to Jesus, and have Christian friends who will pray with and for you. Did you see how those demons were defeated?

03/31/2020 - Israel

Kai: Mom you brought me to this hot fun place now. I'm going to lay down and die. Me: Oh Israel, how you forget Kai: who is Israel? Me: We are son. We forgot what all God has done for us. We turn to men for praise and deny God the praise He deserves. We have Bibles but we dont read them like we should. We have access to a King and we dont even bother to talk more than 30 seconds or when trouble comes our way. We have placed things in greater value than God. We have turned bac k to ignorant idolatry. We tear down our brothers and sisters in Christ while Satan laughs at us. He has lied and manipulated us to destroy us with fear and chaos. Israel is our current state. Kai: sounds like they need to get saved. Me: Oh Lord, revive America, help us reach out to you for a permanent solution and not wordly patches. Help us turn our hearts and minds back to you and off our own lives. Help us be the man and women of God we are called to be and rise as victors and stop allowing the devil to lo...

03/30/2020 - Where are you?

Elia: I want a donut. Me: No Elia: I want baby shark. Me: No phone, go color your schoolwork Elia: I'm baby hulk, i smash you Me: I'm mama hulk and I'll said no. Elia: mad and refusing to move for 30 minutes now.... *metaphorically* Me: I want to go to Africa God: Not now Me: I want to be used God: Grow you aren't ready Me: Where are the mentors to help? God: They gave up, are you going to give up too? Me: Why are my friends falling away? God: They chose the world over me, pray for them Me: God what do you want me to do next? God: I've told you, study, read, learn, grow, love the ones you are hurting and pray for them. Be a disciple not a performer. Me: God I messed up bad today. My temper got the best of me, and the thoughts in my mind weren't honoring you. God: Confess your sins, I gave you a new day to start over again. Coronavirus = refresh your mind, redirect your focus and restart your life. Bring honor to Him and Him alone.

03/29/2020 - Fear is

Fear is a liar, God is still God despite what's going on. In your brokenness, you can keep on going your way or you can turn towards the One calling your name. Run to Him, be safe, no more running wondering when will it get better. Cause it is better walking with Jesus. He is the one you have been searching for, and He won't leave you alone. Fall at His feet and worship Him. Cause sometimes you gotta worship Him alone and listen to what He tells you. Life is scary but I know the ONE who holds the answers I seek. Reach out He is there. Praise Him!

03/26/2020 - I am Peter

So many times, people say I can't believe Peter and the disciples betrayed Jesus. I wouldn't be like the Israelites and backslide. Yet here today, you traded in trust for God into fear generated by the enemy. You live in fear, holding onto your own devices while denying and trusting in God. We are just like the disciples and Israelites and its time people of God we proclaim Who God is and Trust in His provision. We are being shifted right now, many are being led away and some  will be kept. My God it breaks my heart to see this brokenness. Stop elevating people who claim they know more than God and walk on these troubled waters towards our Savior. Toilet paper, water, food, your house, your job, your car, Nothing is guaranteed!!!!! What is guaranteed, is that Jesus died for your sins on the cross, rose from the dead 3 days later and you can have a relationship with Him if you confess your sins and believe in Him. You can stop living in fear and live in reassurance of His love a...

03/21/2020 - The End of a Time

Our lil family has had 13 Sundays of leading P&W and preaching at our lil campground. Some Sundays we had 2 people besides us and last Sunday we had 15. God has grown us alot. Mike had to step up to preach and I had to learn how to sing and play the piano. Mike let me preach last Sunday. I preached on Egypt, are you ready to stay in bondage or are you ready to cross over the unknown seas to Canaan aka freedom. We had a couple that have came every Sunday for the past 4 weeks a nd today they brought us this note before they head home. You see this coronavirus has shut down all State campgrounds and everybody is leaving. The KOA did staff cut backs and isnt accepting any tent or long term campers right now. We may be looking for a new place very soon. In less than a week, to everyone else our complete ministry is shut down. But Mike and I aren't normal, tomorrow we will still have Sunday church, not in the pavilion but on our lil concrete slab by the camper. Sunday church isnt can...

03/20/2020 - Corona

Coronavirus = fear and panic throughout world Dont yall know, It's just another died for, its paid for checkmark, covered by Jesus' blood? He died for all our diseases, new or old!! He already paid for it and has it covered. Stop living in fear!!! The world has that handled. Be the different!!! His blood is what saved us from ALL!! We are suppose to be different from the world, stop living in fear. Rise up, show the world Jesus in this storm. Pray for the world. Pray for lost loved ones and your best friends. Pray for people to see Jesus in the middle of this chaos. Come on yall: pray, read, share and praise Him!!! God is good no matter what is going on around us!!!!! Isaiah 53:4-7 KJV Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. [5] But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. [6] ...

03/19/2020 - Groceries

Yesterday I woke up to another bag of groceries on my camper step. People are leaving and they gave me their food. You can NOT out give God!!! So I went out to see who needed what. Come on peeps, hoard for yourself or Give for His Glory alone. Be the different, shine for Jesus and be the church out there, not just in words but in action!!!! Tomorrow is a new day, I'm thankful when my feet hit the floor, I have Jesus. I'm not alone, I have a good good Father who has my back and loves me so much He sent His son to die for me. Tomorrow you can live in fear with Satan or you can live in peace with Jesus. 2 options, 2 different places but both are for eternity. Only through Jesus can you enter Heaven. Lost sheep come home. Luke 15:4-7 ESV "What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it? [5] And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders...