Stand Up and Fight!
Today has been an amazing day and I have a very blessed couple of days. Things that shouldn’t have worked ended up working out. With God all things are possible The devil tries to convince us that we can’t do something and to give up. But I’m here to tell you there is nothing impossible when God is on your side. He gives us strength to do what he has called us to do. He gives us power to fight the devil and he gives us peace that the world can’t understand. I serve an AWESOME GOD! Hallelujah!
I’m so very blessed to have Jesus as a constant companion, shepherd, friend, and Savior. I’ve learned to look past the present problems and look to the future and up to my victory! If we are following God’s will no matter what the circumstance everything will work out for his glory - we just have to have a mustard seed of faith. Is that hard? Yes at times but we must press through trials and toward the Lord. When unbelievable things happen that don’t make sense just keep looking up to Jesus. When we don’t think we can handle anymore just remember Jesus carried the sin of this world on his back, looked in the face of his accusers and walked up a hill to die for all of us. Jesus never murmured or complaining or cried out his innocence - He humbled himself and accepted His Father’s will. God’s will for our lives may not make sense at this time but it isn’t for us to understand. It is God’s will and if we trust in God then we don’t have to understand but just obey. When we try to figure out what God is doing - we are questioning God. Are you smarter than God? I think not. By questioning what God is doing it also allows the devil to place a seed of doubt in our minds. The name of JESUS makes the devil flee. So instead of questioning Jesus why not cry out to him and watch that old devil run away? Stand strong in Jesus and fight off the doubts, the fears, the confusion and rest in God’s peace, comfort, and mercy. Confusion is of the devil and has no part in the will of God. Jesus has already defeated the devil so why let him try to tear you down? You are a soldier in the army of Jesus Christ, arm yourself and fight! We already have the victory so why give the devil the chance to tear us down? When the devil reminds you of your past, stand up and remind him of his future! When a door closes don’t try to break it down – wait for Jesus. He doesn’t pound on a locked door. He comes quietly and peacefully and opens another way that we would have overlooked had we not patiently waited on him.
While we are waiting for Jesus we should not sit and complain/pout because we might miss that still sweet peaceful voice – watch and wait for the Lord and incline your heart and ear to hearing our Shepherd’s voice. Sometimes we have to get away from this world to hear God’s voice. When my brother died, I didn’t not want to hear God’s voice because I thought I had been terribly wronged. I thought God would take care of my brother and my family but he allowed my brother to die unexpectantly. I became self-sufficient and thought I had all the answers and had a lot of anger at God. I reached a point in my life where I didn’t care if I lived or died. I had a lot of anger so of course God wasn’t going to give me an answer as to why Clen died. But then one night when I was sitting in my brother’s car I reached a breaking point. I couldn’t keep being worldly, and trying to control my life because despite the fact that I thought I had everything in control – my whole life had crumbled at my feet and I was laying face down crying for help. It was at this point when I was utterly broken that Jesus reached down and helped me. But why not earlier? I wouldn’t have heard it or listened to anything God said to me at that point of my life. That night I earnestly needed peace. I cried out to God and he answered. My life hasn’t been the same since that night. The devil will use any bad or hurtful thing in a person’s life to make them angry and resentful toward God or fellow Christians. Why? Because he has to slowly try to tear apart God’s army. Don’t you see? By allowing anger, fear, resentment, and confusion to control your life you are allowing the devil to defeat you. Stop asking why God did this and why He didn’t do that. Accept the fact that God is all knowing and HIS will and purpose is beyond our understanding. Hurting and angry Christians make the devil happy and you are missing out on what God has given you – peace, mercy, and love. You only have one chance at life so do you want other people to say well they just never could get over their anger or sadness? Or do you want that person to say despite their worldly circumstances they trusted in God and God’s peace gave them strength that this world didn’t understand. Get out of that pit and look up to Jesus who has his hands reaching down to pull you back to your feet! John 6:66 says “From that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him”. Will you continue walking with God or turn your back on him and go back? Come on somebody and stand up for JESUS despite your circumstances!
I have been reading John and I will finish it tonight. I just want to list the things that God has revealed to me while reading John.
• John’s sole purpose was to glorify and make way for Jesus. As Christians we need to witness and show this lost world one thing = Jesus. He is coming back soon we need to be ready!
• The scriptures say that after Jesus performed miracles or taught that people tried to harm him. Did the devil win? No! Because right after each one of these it says many saw and BELIEVED in JESUS. When people look at what you are going through - show them Jesus through the good and bad circumstances of your life.
Jesus said that whatsoever we ask we will receive it. If we are following God’s will in our life then God will give us the desires of our heart.
Jesus can use anything for his kingdom!
John 8:34-35 = Are you sin’s servant?
I hope someone will be encouraged by this blog and stand strong for Jesus!
God Bless You and Have a Blessed Day!
I’m so very blessed to have Jesus as a constant companion, shepherd, friend, and Savior. I’ve learned to look past the present problems and look to the future and up to my victory! If we are following God’s will no matter what the circumstance everything will work out for his glory - we just have to have a mustard seed of faith. Is that hard? Yes at times but we must press through trials and toward the Lord. When unbelievable things happen that don’t make sense just keep looking up to Jesus. When we don’t think we can handle anymore just remember Jesus carried the sin of this world on his back, looked in the face of his accusers and walked up a hill to die for all of us. Jesus never murmured or complaining or cried out his innocence - He humbled himself and accepted His Father’s will. God’s will for our lives may not make sense at this time but it isn’t for us to understand. It is God’s will and if we trust in God then we don’t have to understand but just obey. When we try to figure out what God is doing - we are questioning God. Are you smarter than God? I think not. By questioning what God is doing it also allows the devil to place a seed of doubt in our minds. The name of JESUS makes the devil flee. So instead of questioning Jesus why not cry out to him and watch that old devil run away? Stand strong in Jesus and fight off the doubts, the fears, the confusion and rest in God’s peace, comfort, and mercy. Confusion is of the devil and has no part in the will of God. Jesus has already defeated the devil so why let him try to tear you down? You are a soldier in the army of Jesus Christ, arm yourself and fight! We already have the victory so why give the devil the chance to tear us down? When the devil reminds you of your past, stand up and remind him of his future! When a door closes don’t try to break it down – wait for Jesus. He doesn’t pound on a locked door. He comes quietly and peacefully and opens another way that we would have overlooked had we not patiently waited on him.
While we are waiting for Jesus we should not sit and complain/pout because we might miss that still sweet peaceful voice – watch and wait for the Lord and incline your heart and ear to hearing our Shepherd’s voice. Sometimes we have to get away from this world to hear God’s voice. When my brother died, I didn’t not want to hear God’s voice because I thought I had been terribly wronged. I thought God would take care of my brother and my family but he allowed my brother to die unexpectantly. I became self-sufficient and thought I had all the answers and had a lot of anger at God. I reached a point in my life where I didn’t care if I lived or died. I had a lot of anger so of course God wasn’t going to give me an answer as to why Clen died. But then one night when I was sitting in my brother’s car I reached a breaking point. I couldn’t keep being worldly, and trying to control my life because despite the fact that I thought I had everything in control – my whole life had crumbled at my feet and I was laying face down crying for help. It was at this point when I was utterly broken that Jesus reached down and helped me. But why not earlier? I wouldn’t have heard it or listened to anything God said to me at that point of my life. That night I earnestly needed peace. I cried out to God and he answered. My life hasn’t been the same since that night. The devil will use any bad or hurtful thing in a person’s life to make them angry and resentful toward God or fellow Christians. Why? Because he has to slowly try to tear apart God’s army. Don’t you see? By allowing anger, fear, resentment, and confusion to control your life you are allowing the devil to defeat you. Stop asking why God did this and why He didn’t do that. Accept the fact that God is all knowing and HIS will and purpose is beyond our understanding. Hurting and angry Christians make the devil happy and you are missing out on what God has given you – peace, mercy, and love. You only have one chance at life so do you want other people to say well they just never could get over their anger or sadness? Or do you want that person to say despite their worldly circumstances they trusted in God and God’s peace gave them strength that this world didn’t understand. Get out of that pit and look up to Jesus who has his hands reaching down to pull you back to your feet! John 6:66 says “From that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him”. Will you continue walking with God or turn your back on him and go back? Come on somebody and stand up for JESUS despite your circumstances!
I have been reading John and I will finish it tonight. I just want to list the things that God has revealed to me while reading John.
• John’s sole purpose was to glorify and make way for Jesus. As Christians we need to witness and show this lost world one thing = Jesus. He is coming back soon we need to be ready!
- John1:6-8, John 1:23
- John 7:30, John 7:44, John 8:59, John 10:31, John 10:39
• The scriptures say that after Jesus performed miracles or taught that people tried to harm him. Did the devil win? No! Because right after each one of these it says many saw and BELIEVED in JESUS. When people look at what you are going through - show them Jesus through the good and bad circumstances of your life.
- John 7:31, John 8:30, John 10:42, John 11:45, John 11:40 (trust in God), John 18:6 (fell backwards at the mention of Jesus name!)
- John 11:33, 35 and 38. John 13:21, John 14:18, John 14:26-27, John 16:33
- John 5:49-50, John 10:27, John 11:16, John 12:43 (these people loved the world’s praise more than Jesus. Whose praise do you desire?) John 15:18-19, John 17:14-18
Jesus said that whatsoever we ask we will receive it. If we are following God’s will in our life then God will give us the desires of our heart.
- John 13:13-14, John 15:17, John 15:16, John 16:23-24
- John 3:30, john 4:34, John 5:30, John 6:38, John 7:16, John 7:29, John 9:5, John 13:16-17, John 17:4, John 19:30 (The bowing of his head shows His submission to His Father’s will and His obedience to death!)
Jesus can use anything for his kingdom!
- John 6:12 (Jesus used fragments to feed the crowd), John 11:4 (death)
- John 6:20, John 20:14 – 16, John 20:19
- John 4:9, John 7:24, John 6:9, John 7:24, John 8:7, John 9:38,
John 8:34-35 = Are you sin’s servant?
I hope someone will be encouraged by this blog and stand strong for Jesus!
God Bless You and Have a Blessed Day!
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