Praise JESUS all the time!
I never know when I will write the next blog, I never know if I will write another one again, and just when I begin to think I won’t write one again then Jesus begins showing and revealing things that make me want to bust with excitement at HIS divine glory, mercy and power….and only then do I write.
I woke up with the expectation of sadness this morning but it was not there. I dreamt about my brother last night. I could not save him in this dream either and he died. However, this dream was different from the rest I have had since he died 6 years ago. He did not call out to me for help, he did not scream for me to save him, and he did not need saving until he was gone. It was a different dream, with different emotions in it and I ponder that. What was the meaning of this dream….was it a way for the devil to make me sad and feel that cold sharp pain again? Probably but Jesus works through the good and the bad times in our lives. How do I know this? Because this morning when I woke up and ask God the same repetitive question “Why did he die and then how did he die”? I was not met with silence that has been there the past six long years but I heard a gentle voice say, “Do you really want to know?” Immediately my flesh cried out YES! But then immediately my spirit said No! At that exact moment when I said NO, Jesus revealed so much to me. In a matter of a few minutes/seconds, the past 6 years worth of pain and the hole in my heart that was half way healed - my heart became completely healed and peace flowed by the power of the blood of JESUS I am now whole.
I realized it does not matter why, how, or when Clen died. It only matters that Jesus Christ was there with Clen at the time of his death and Jesus holds the why, how, where and why and that is all I need to know. Because you see if we truly trust Jesus Christ as we say then we can rest in this glorious peace because we know he holds the future and he knows the answer to the hows, whys, whens, wheres, and every other important answer for our life. Many times, I have said I trust Jesus but deep down my flesh was arguing with my spirit constantly and I would drive myself crazy with worry. I did not have to do this because Jesus already has the victory and the peace is already there we just have to realize it and say NO to the flesh and YES to Jesus. The hardest part? Letting go and completely, 100% trusting in JESUS. The flesh and the spirit will fight daily against each other but the SPIRIT already has the victory because the flesh once dead will stay in the ground but our Spirit will continue to eternal life. Where is your spirit going? Heaven with Jesus or Hell with the Devil?
America is a time-oriented country. We cannot even have a meal together as family unless it has a time. Time to go to bed, time to eat, time to work, and somewhere we might “make time” to spend with our loved ones but what about time with God? It is so easy to say I will read my Bible later, I will go to church next week instead, or I will pray later. I am sad to say I was a follower of this time-oriented pattern but then God sent me to Niger. Niger is a country that has NO concept of time and guess what I love that! I do not spend the time rushing around to make it by the time specified because here there is always time. GOD is most important in our lives right? So how much time have you made for HIM in your busy schedule? He gave you 24 hours in a day, how much did you dedicate back to worshipping HIM and thanking HIM?
I have learned a lot in the 4 months I have been in Niger. I learned that to grow spiritually and win spiritual battles that you must stay on your knees and study/learn/read the Bible. When I say I’ve learned that, it isn’t that I was told that over and over again while in the states but instead of a head knowledge of this important message, I now have a HEART knowledge of its truth. If I want to see lives changed and miracles performed, I had better stay in the word of God and on my knees. I have learned so much about the Bible and God’s grace that I would have never learned in the States because when I did make time to read my Bible it was a “zip-thru” version. We need to stop living our life like a drive-thru; we cannot pay for a quick fix of our spiritual hunger. We need to stop and study/learn/memorize the Bible. God gave it to us as a guide for life. We can win battles just by knowing the BIBLE! It is God’s word! If we study the Bible, we will be prepared for what comes our way in life. If you drive-thru your spiritual life then you will only be satisfied for a short time. The devil loves to tell people that they do not have to read the Bible, they do not have to go to church, and that they do not have to pray. Why does he do this? Because he knows, he will perish if you do these things. He will have no power over your life or your household anymore if you are living for and trusting in Jesus Christ. You can’t have two roommates in your heart. JESUS must be first and the only one in your heart! KICK THE DEVIL OUT NOW! He is the heart breaker and loves to see you in pain and agony! The voice that tells you – you deserved it, everyone hates you, nobody needs you, that is the devil. GET RID OF HIM NOW. Take up your armor and have the victory!
Other things I have learned – I will PRAISE JESUS for what He does give me and what He does not give me. Some of you might be wondering what is she saying? I am saying when you pray for something and it doesn’t happen how do you feel? Angry, sad and frustrated? Does that sound like Godly emotions?…nope those sound like devilish emotions. If you would get on your knees, pray, and PRAISE God no matter the outcome then there is your victory. If you truly trust God and want HIS will for your life and not our fleshly will then you can praise God in the good times and you can praise God in the bad times. If you trust God and are praying for HIS will (and not your own) then you wouldn’t be upset when things didn’t happen that you prayed for. I honestly believe that everything happens for a reason and purpose….GOD’s reason and purpose. Next time you are going through a hard time, ask God to open your eyes, your heart, and your mind so that you may learn for this time. It will change your life I guarantee it!
My devotional (Streams in the Desert) for today says for today:
“Joseph’s master took him and put him in prison….But…the Lord was with him….and gave him success in whatever he did. (Genesis 39:20-21, 23)
When God allows us to go to prison because of our service to Him, it is nearly the most blessed place in the world that we could be, because He goes with us. Joseph seems to have known this truth. He did not sulk, become discouraged and rebellious, or engage in self-pity by thinking “everything was against him.” If he had done so, the prison warden would never have trusted him.
May we remember that if self-pity is allowed to set in, we will never be used by God again until it is totally removed (I underlined and highlighted this part of the devotional). Joseph simply placed everything in joyful trust upon the Lord, and as a result, the prison warden placed everything into Joseph’s card.
Lord Jesus, when the prison door closes behind me, keep me trusting in You with complete and overflowing joy. Give Your work through me great success and even in prison make me free indeed (John 8:36). I have learned to love the darkness of sorrow, for it is there I see the brightness of God’s face.
God Bless All of You and I pray that something I write will inspire, encourage and change a life for Jesus Christ! Stacey
I woke up with the expectation of sadness this morning but it was not there. I dreamt about my brother last night. I could not save him in this dream either and he died. However, this dream was different from the rest I have had since he died 6 years ago. He did not call out to me for help, he did not scream for me to save him, and he did not need saving until he was gone. It was a different dream, with different emotions in it and I ponder that. What was the meaning of this dream….was it a way for the devil to make me sad and feel that cold sharp pain again? Probably but Jesus works through the good and the bad times in our lives. How do I know this? Because this morning when I woke up and ask God the same repetitive question “Why did he die and then how did he die”? I was not met with silence that has been there the past six long years but I heard a gentle voice say, “Do you really want to know?” Immediately my flesh cried out YES! But then immediately my spirit said No! At that exact moment when I said NO, Jesus revealed so much to me. In a matter of a few minutes/seconds, the past 6 years worth of pain and the hole in my heart that was half way healed - my heart became completely healed and peace flowed by the power of the blood of JESUS I am now whole.
I realized it does not matter why, how, or when Clen died. It only matters that Jesus Christ was there with Clen at the time of his death and Jesus holds the why, how, where and why and that is all I need to know. Because you see if we truly trust Jesus Christ as we say then we can rest in this glorious peace because we know he holds the future and he knows the answer to the hows, whys, whens, wheres, and every other important answer for our life. Many times, I have said I trust Jesus but deep down my flesh was arguing with my spirit constantly and I would drive myself crazy with worry. I did not have to do this because Jesus already has the victory and the peace is already there we just have to realize it and say NO to the flesh and YES to Jesus. The hardest part? Letting go and completely, 100% trusting in JESUS. The flesh and the spirit will fight daily against each other but the SPIRIT already has the victory because the flesh once dead will stay in the ground but our Spirit will continue to eternal life. Where is your spirit going? Heaven with Jesus or Hell with the Devil?
America is a time-oriented country. We cannot even have a meal together as family unless it has a time. Time to go to bed, time to eat, time to work, and somewhere we might “make time” to spend with our loved ones but what about time with God? It is so easy to say I will read my Bible later, I will go to church next week instead, or I will pray later. I am sad to say I was a follower of this time-oriented pattern but then God sent me to Niger. Niger is a country that has NO concept of time and guess what I love that! I do not spend the time rushing around to make it by the time specified because here there is always time. GOD is most important in our lives right? So how much time have you made for HIM in your busy schedule? He gave you 24 hours in a day, how much did you dedicate back to worshipping HIM and thanking HIM?
I have learned a lot in the 4 months I have been in Niger. I learned that to grow spiritually and win spiritual battles that you must stay on your knees and study/learn/read the Bible. When I say I’ve learned that, it isn’t that I was told that over and over again while in the states but instead of a head knowledge of this important message, I now have a HEART knowledge of its truth. If I want to see lives changed and miracles performed, I had better stay in the word of God and on my knees. I have learned so much about the Bible and God’s grace that I would have never learned in the States because when I did make time to read my Bible it was a “zip-thru” version. We need to stop living our life like a drive-thru; we cannot pay for a quick fix of our spiritual hunger. We need to stop and study/learn/memorize the Bible. God gave it to us as a guide for life. We can win battles just by knowing the BIBLE! It is God’s word! If we study the Bible, we will be prepared for what comes our way in life. If you drive-thru your spiritual life then you will only be satisfied for a short time. The devil loves to tell people that they do not have to read the Bible, they do not have to go to church, and that they do not have to pray. Why does he do this? Because he knows, he will perish if you do these things. He will have no power over your life or your household anymore if you are living for and trusting in Jesus Christ. You can’t have two roommates in your heart. JESUS must be first and the only one in your heart! KICK THE DEVIL OUT NOW! He is the heart breaker and loves to see you in pain and agony! The voice that tells you – you deserved it, everyone hates you, nobody needs you, that is the devil. GET RID OF HIM NOW. Take up your armor and have the victory!
Other things I have learned – I will PRAISE JESUS for what He does give me and what He does not give me. Some of you might be wondering what is she saying? I am saying when you pray for something and it doesn’t happen how do you feel? Angry, sad and frustrated? Does that sound like Godly emotions?…nope those sound like devilish emotions. If you would get on your knees, pray, and PRAISE God no matter the outcome then there is your victory. If you truly trust God and want HIS will for your life and not our fleshly will then you can praise God in the good times and you can praise God in the bad times. If you trust God and are praying for HIS will (and not your own) then you wouldn’t be upset when things didn’t happen that you prayed for. I honestly believe that everything happens for a reason and purpose….GOD’s reason and purpose. Next time you are going through a hard time, ask God to open your eyes, your heart, and your mind so that you may learn for this time. It will change your life I guarantee it!
My devotional (Streams in the Desert) for today says for today:
“Joseph’s master took him and put him in prison….But…the Lord was with him….and gave him success in whatever he did. (Genesis 39:20-21, 23)
When God allows us to go to prison because of our service to Him, it is nearly the most blessed place in the world that we could be, because He goes with us. Joseph seems to have known this truth. He did not sulk, become discouraged and rebellious, or engage in self-pity by thinking “everything was against him.” If he had done so, the prison warden would never have trusted him.
May we remember that if self-pity is allowed to set in, we will never be used by God again until it is totally removed (I underlined and highlighted this part of the devotional). Joseph simply placed everything in joyful trust upon the Lord, and as a result, the prison warden placed everything into Joseph’s card.
Lord Jesus, when the prison door closes behind me, keep me trusting in You with complete and overflowing joy. Give Your work through me great success and even in prison make me free indeed (John 8:36). I have learned to love the darkness of sorrow, for it is there I see the brightness of God’s face.
God Bless All of You and I pray that something I write will inspire, encourage and change a life for Jesus Christ! Stacey
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