The Puzzle of my Christian Walk
So I'm kind of at an odd place in my life. The place between wow looked at God has done for me the past 6 months (as of tomorrow) and kind of this scared and anxious feeling about leaving in 3 months. Why? Because I'm scared when I go back to the States I will lose sight of all that I have learned, that I will get a full time job, pay off my bills, and be back in the "American Dream". I don't want the "American Dream" I want to be a missionary for the rest of my life and share the gospel to this lost and dying world. This last month has opened my eyes to a new step of my Christian walk. The trials got harder but the reward was awesome. During the middle of my sickness last month, I finally just wept before my Jesus, my trust, my hope, my deliver, my fortress, my rock and cried out with everything inside of me to show me what to do. I prayed for strength to continue doing HIS will for my life. The next day I felt a joy and peace deep down in my Spirit and...