Testing of the waters....EMF

October 2016 was a crazy but good month. As a family we met some awesome Christian friends in North Carolina and even went to the beach for a Christian retreat but nothing could come close to the surprise we had in store. After Kai's traumatic birth, I had some issues with female organs, so after a year of using no birth control at all, I had given up getting pregnant again. I had always wanted a very large family, like 7 kids, but since I didn't become pregnant until I was 30 that kind wasn't optional any more. Summer of 2015 and beginning of 2016, I actually started selling my baby stuff. It had been awhile, circumstance changed and I didn't feel like a 4th child was a reality anymore. We moved and started to care for my grandmother. I had a full plate with 3 kids and my grandmother, plus the company paperwork, payroll and the accounting. It had been a stressful 8 months, so Mike arranged for us to go away to North Carolina to meet some people about a new awesome ministry opportunity (another blog). That week, we stayed in a beautiful cabin. I finally read a whole book for the first time in 7 years. AD 30 by Ted Dekker, great book. We back came home and I felt drained and tired, which is normal but I looked at the calendar and hrmmm....took a pregnancy test and was like wow....this thing is lying, took another one and got excited. Mike was happy, he felt like we were suppose to have four kids and had actually prayed about it. We agreed we didn’t want to find out the sex of the baby until it was born. I had always wanted to do this but the previous 2 pregnancies hadn’t really allowed for it.  All my pregnancies have been trying and a test of my faith, but this one was one of the scariest and "trusting God with and in everything" pregnancy. So here is my story. Dr. Names not included for privacy.

October 2016 - Pregnancy test confirms I am indeed pregnant. Mike and I are thrilled and I buy as much ginger ale as I can ;) Kind of concerned because I had just had x-rays taken about 2 weeks ago.....I go ahead and request to be sent to a high risk doctor. After everything with Kai, I just didn't want to risk not being seen by a high risk doctor.

November 2016 - I had severe pain in my right upper quadrant and ended up have 5 steroid injections into my intercostal area. I was not able to do much for almost a week prior to this because I was so sick but two days after this procedure I felt tons better. I ended up in the ER due to my grandmother losing her balance and falling back into my arms. When she fell she hit my stomach with her elbow, it hurt bad at the time but Dr said everything was ok. During this time I had a very powerful dream. In my dream, my wrists were bound by a rope, my arms were in front of me, and I had a man pulling me forward by the rope. There was a line of people and there were two men in front of the line and they were killing the people. When it was my turn, they made me get on my knees and they looked at my right wrist and said that is an abomination. They took a sword and cut off my right hand at the wrist where there was a tattoo. I then reached down, picked up my cut off hand, lifted my arms and hands to the sky and said to the men "Stand still and see this thing God will do before your eyes". I put my wrist back to my cut off arm and my wrist and arm were immediately made whole and were back together. The men fell on their knees and came to know Jesus because of the miracle they had just seen before their eyes. Then I woke up...... I wondered about what I had said to the men and guess what? It was in the Bible. 1 Samuel 12:16…….

December 2016 -My first trip to high risk doctor. I was super excited this day because it was the first time in a long time that I was getting some alone time, just me driving 4 hours by myself. I was super excited. I just knew the doctor was going to say everything is good and you don't need to come back and that I was being paranoid. I went in for my ultrasound, and the technician was talking to me at first but then she got quiet and went and got the doctor. The original high risk doctor I went to with the twins no longer worked there so this was an older doctor brought out from retirement. He walked in, looked at the ultrasound, spoke to the technician, used alot of words I didn't recognize which as a nurse was scary, and then said go get Dr. "X". She was the main doctor over the practice. When they said that, I knew something was horribly wrong. I can't explain the feeling of pure ice coldness that I felt. I immediately wished I hadn't been so happy to get away by myself and I longed to have Mike sitting beside me. This was suppose to be a - you are a paranoid mom; go home everything is just fine appointment. Dr. "X" looked at me and said your uterus is too thin; you cannot carry this baby. It is a risk to you. You need to terminate the pregnancy. She said this as the ultrasound is still showing my little bundle. Dr. "Y" said you also have synechiae in two different parts of your uterus. We need to talk, and need you to wait outside, while we discuss things. So they took me back out to the lobby. Ladies were outside waiting for their turn with the doctor, and I was sitting with them trying to act normal.  I couldn't think, in my head I was screaming you want me to kill my baby? I walked and sat close to the glass window and looked outside at the trees. My mind was screaming No, No, No, this is not happening. I called Mike; as soon as I heard his voice I lost it. I started crying so hard I couldn't tell him what was wrong, the people in the lobby looked at me like I had lost my mind. I walked to the back of the lobby and finally told Mike what was going on. He was his usual calm self, and calmed me down. I got off the phone with him and started praying. While I was praying all the sudden the sun came through the window and covered me with light. I felt like God was showing me I wasn't alone and I felt some peace at that moment. The doctor came out to the lobby and told me he wanted me to come back in two weeks to check things out again and if everything looked the same then we would have to make a decision. I left the office and called my best friend Becca. She lived about 20 minutes from where I was and when I called she immediately came and consoled me. She was such a blessing from God and I am so very thankful for how much she helped me that day. Later, I got home and immediately got everyone to start praying. I do NOT believe in abortion and I could NOT even fathom killing my baby to save myself. Mike agreed with me, we would not have an abortion. I prayed my heart out. I cried. I made an appointment with my counselor and she recommended I go ahead and start thinking about my funeral and make a video or write a letter saying goodbye to the kids. She was not trying to be morbid but it was very possible that if I chose to carry this baby, that it could result in my death. As hard as it was to do, I said goodbye to my children and explained to them as much as I loved them, that I couldn't kill my innocent baby just to stay with them. The baby deserved to live and have a chance and if mommy had to die and go to heaven she wanted them to know that I loved them very very much. 

 I went back two weeks later. I walked in and met the most amazing doctor. His name was Dr. "B" and he was a Godsend. He was calm, patient and just generally cared about my situation. We went into the ultrasound room with the tech and she looked, Dr. "B" came in and looked.  He said I don't see what they saw 2 weeks ago. I do see some synechiae that we will need to keep a close eye on. Sometimes they can wrap around the babies arms or legs and cause them to become cut off and the child will be born with deformed arms and legs. (What, was this the meaning of the dream?)As far as the contractions, take it easy and don't be doing anything strenuous during this pregnancy. You are at risk for a uterine rupture again so we want to avoid contractions at all possible. Contractions can cause the uterus to rupture, and then it would be fatal for you and the baby. We will have a repeat c-section and you will not go full term with the baby. 

January - March 2017 - I was still having contractions if I did much of anything. I had to take Flexeril alot because if I walked very much I would have contractions so bad I couldn't do anything but cry. 

March 21, 2017 6:00pm - I was heading to town when a white Chevrolet pickup came into my lane, and was coming head on at me and the girls in my van. The guy didn't move over and I didn't have any choice but to swerve to the right off the road to avoid hitting him. I lost control of the van and ended up turning sideways in the road, going into the opposite lane and heading straight for a deep ditch, last minute my van turned, did a 180 in the road and went back across the road, I ended up sliding sideways into the ditch. I was facing the opposite direction I was originally going it. I remember screaming, the girls were screaming, and I stopped inches from a tree. My mom had been following me and she said my van went up on two wheels, and she just knew I was about to flip. The guy driving the truck never stopped. I was hurting in my stomach so I went to the hospital. The staff did an ultrasound, and watched me for 6 hours before they let me go home at 2am. The next day I was still hurting and it wasn't where my seatbelt had been during the accident, so I went back up to the hospital and got my medical reports of the ultrasound. It showed a suspected partial placenta abruption. Nobody at the hospital had told me anything about this, which deeply upset me considering my past history. I immediately called my high risk doctor who admitted me to the hospital where another ultrasound confirmed a partial placenta abruption. I also had MRI which also confirmed the partial placenta abruption. I was immediately brought consent papers to sign for a c-section, newborn shots and a circumcision if it was a boy. I was given steroid shots to help the baby's lungs develop faster. I remember looking at Mike and saying I'm scared.  I don't know if we are going to make it. It is too early. Pray please. 

I was in the hospital for a week on strict bed rest and. Dr. "B" said that I could go home but on bed rest. When I got back home, the first time I saw Eleora, I just looked at her, she had grown so much and was so beautiful. After being away from my babies for a whole week and not knowing if I would ever see them again. It made me appreciate everything differently. I would trust God. I couldn't do anything to prevent or protect myself only He could. My church family really stepped up and helped me with prayer, encouragement and meals during this time. Thank you so much CBC!

April 2017 - Still lots of contractions, Mike really stepped up and helped with the other 3 kids while I rested and took it easy. I took alot of Tylenol and flexeril to help with contractions. Mike took me away for a weekend just to do something fun and de-stress.

May 2017- It has been a wild and scary pregnancy. The doctor set the date for May 31st but we ask him to push it back one more week. I am doing better and I want the baby to stay inside for as long as possible. Plus my son's birthday is the next week and he has always wanted a twin.

June 2017 - We celebrated my son's birthday with him a day earlier. That night I am admitted into the hospital. We are scheduled to have the c-section on the 7th at 8am. They placed us on the wrong floor, so at 2:00am they came and got us and we finally got to go to sleep at 5am. They started to come and get us for the surgery but there were some emergencies so I didn't end up going back until almost 11. I know this sounds crazy but as a RN I wanted to watch my baby being born. Due to the girls being an emergency c-section, and kai being born not breathing and it turning into an emergency surgery, I missed seeing them being born and holding them immediately afterwards. The doctor delivering agreed to it, except for he didn't want me to watch them cutting me open, so once they had me all cut,  they got a really tall mirror and I got to watch the baby be pulled from my belly. Mike took pictures too ;) I heard something amazing. For the first time, I heard one of my baby's first cry. So then I cried. It was a special moment then I saw that I had a precious baby girl!  As many people know, Mike and I wanted our children's names to have meaning and be of Hebrew origin. The girl name we had picked out was Elia Mercy.  Elia means "Jehovah is God". I chose the middle name Mercy because God has shown us so much Mercy and Grace. Elia Mercy Frank was born exactly 3 years and 4 minutes after her big brother Kai. Elia had low oxygen when she was born so they let me hold her for a few seconds then took her to NICU. I went to recovery which took longer than planned due to it taking 2 hours for the feeling in my legs to come back. Elia was doing better so she was able to come down and stay with me in the recovery area. My precious baby girl knew my voice and loved snuggling with me and we truly bonded in a beautiful way. I was holding a true miracle from God.

The whole pregnancy was scary. After it was all over, I told Mike I never doubted for a second that Elia would live but I truly thought I was going to die in the end. He then confided in me that he thought the same thing. Thank God I didn't but I was willing to die for my baby. She was an innocent person with a soul and she deserved a chance to have a life. I have lived 34 years and although I have some regrets, I have many moments that I am proud of. Since I COMPLETELY and TOTALLY sold out to God and quit playing church, He has shown me more than I could ever imagine. He has tested me and taken me to my limits but then He has shown me more love and mercy than I could ever imagine. He has always been there for me and done so many great miracles that people can't explain but GOD did. I am forever thankful for the chance to prove the doctor wrong and have LIVING proof of God's power! Elia is perfect in every way. She is a happy, laid back baby who only wants to be held and kissed by her mommy. She is 2 months old and has just started smiling. She is a little person and I can't wait to see what my little miracle baby will be one day. I had a shirt made for her that says "PROTECTED BY GOD Isaiah 54:17 and 1 Samuel 12:16".

Isaiah 54:17 - No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, said the Lord. 

1 Samuel 12:16 - Now therefore stand and see this great thing, which the Lord will do before your eyes.

My twins were born emergency c-section due to a placenta abruption, my uterus ruptured during the birth of my son, and you have read the story of my 4th child. Every time the devil has tried to steal, kill and destroy my children, but God said No, they are mine and they will live! I can't wait to see what my children will grow up to be. I pray for them that they will have the strength to stand up for God in this world, that they will live up to their name meanings and that they will do mighty and great things for our LORD JESUS CHRIST. And I pray I can be a good mother to them and lead them to Jesus and not turn them away from him. Mothers we need to pray for our children, their father and our marriages. We need to pray for strength when we are weak, peace when we are overwhelmed, and patience for when the time is running out at the end of the day. God is love; let us show our children how much God loves them. I also pray that this blog reaches someone who is in a similar situation as I was and that it will encourage them to trust God no matter what the doctors says or the circumstances. God is in control and HE has the final say. God Bless You!


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