The Wolf in the Darkness - February 13, 2018

This past Saturday night, I was in the bed, my three oldest children surrounding both sides and my feet, and my baby beside me in her bed. I had been reading the Bible on my phone with my lights on but then decided to turned over, switch the light off and lay on my left side. A few minutes later I felt something huge on my face, flicked it off, jumped out of bed and turned on the lights. Nothing, there was nothing...but you know what a spider feels like when it crawls on you and you also know the size...I'm not scared of spiders thank God but I had to find this spider. Because (1) I didn't know what kind it was (2) my 4 kids didn't need to get bit (3) It had crawled on my face (4) I wouldn't sleep till it was dead. So I started praying, God please help me find this thing, they move quick and my walls, floor, and ceiling are all made out of dark wood so it would be hard to see it. I pulled back the covers for the second time and there is was....I took the only thing I ha...