
Showing posts from February, 2018

The Wolf in the Darkness - February 13, 2018

This past Saturday night, I was in the bed, my three oldest children surrounding both sides and my feet, and my baby beside me in her bed. I had been reading the Bible on my phone with my lights on but then decided to turned over, switch the light off and lay on my left side. A few minutes later I felt something huge on my face, flicked it off, jumped out of bed and turned on the lights. Nothing, there was nothing...but you know what a spider feels like when it crawls on you and you also know the size...I'm not scared of spiders thank God but I had to find this spider. Because (1) I didn't know what kind it was (2) my 4 kids didn't need to get bit (3) It had crawled on my face (4) I wouldn't sleep till it was dead. So I started praying, God please help me find this thing, they move quick and my walls, floor, and ceiling are all made out of dark wood so it would be hard to see it. I pulled back the covers for the second time and there is was....I took the only thing I ha...

A New Africa? No, just a new place

It is has been 5 years since I first left for Niger. Not a day goes by that I don't miss being there, being used by God, being in a ministry, being a nurse to a hurt child or an adult, shining the light of God to the lost or encouraging others on the field. I always felt like I would be back in Niger by now full time but here I am in the USA....distraught and disheartened, I became angry because I wasn't there. Since May (when I got very sick) I have experienced a lot of changes, heartaches, and moments of wondering, God where are you? I questioned alot of things. One thing I did know was not to give up and desert God. Just because he wasn't in front of me didn't mean he wasn't there. You know where he was? Behind me on my path, Jesus was standing there in front of the anger, bitterness and unforgiveness. You see Jesus won't be in a place that harbors these emotions, they aren't from him. He is still there but when you take on these emotions you are putting ...

ESF Continued

July 16, 2014 - Kai starting running 101 fever so I took him to his pediatrician. The pediatrician ran some blood work but said everything was normal and he wasn't sure why he had ran a fever but to call him if he did it again.Kai was slightly congested so he recommended NS breathing treatments. July 19, 2014 - K woke up not feeling good at all during the night and was having trouble breathing. It appears Kai has caught the cold me and the girls have had since before he was born. We ended up turning on the hot water at the hotel and having a steam room so he could breathe better, the NS treatments are not working. I am having to suction him all the time with NS and his bulb syringe and doing CPT on his little back but he is getting worse. He can't sleep and he can't breathe good at all. July 20, 2014 - ES got really bad and began having trouble breathing and getting strangled when he was coughing. I am having to suction him almost every 5-10 minutes now and he is so pit...

Normalcy is Dead - January 21, 2017

Can I be transparent for a minute? I am sick and tired of Christians acting so perfect that they can't ask for prayer when they are dealing with problems. This world is full of temptations, pain, hurt, bitterness, etc. It's full of happiness, peace and love too by having a relationship with Christ. As Christians we struggle with things so let's be transparent and do the biblical thing and ask others to pray for our problems so we can overcome them by joining together in praye r. We were never meant to be on a pedestal, that is suppose to be Jesus Christ. We are called to confess our sins, repent and strive to live a life in Jesus Christ. Perfection is only Jesus Christ. We still have to try to live daily in Jesus Christ but if you are struggling with something and can't ask for help what is that? Bondage and that is not of God. That is making you stay at your current level and not able to overcome and move to the next level of Christianity. Hello anyone feel me? Stop h...

Coffee Cup - January 27, 2018

This am I reached for my favorite coffee cup. I never really drank coffee everyday until I went to Niger and Ben Sustar introduced me to REAL coffee. I've been drinking coffee every day since then. So why was this my favorite cup? Was it then size, or shape? No it was the thought behind it. I had watched my best friend's kids for her and she brought me back this cup. She thought of me, and appreciated me. I was going through an incredible hard time in my life and I needed that small selfless act of love. I don't think she knew I absolutely love everything Irish (since I'm 24% irish). It was a simple gift and it meant a lot to me. This cup has traveled the world with me. Because it reminded me of how I overcame that hard time in my life and how I have good friends I can count on. That is rare this am I got it out and thought man I love this cup, I should post something metaphoric about it. I walked across my room to my Keurig(yes it is in my room, I have 4 ki...