ESF Continued

July 16, 2014 - Kai starting running 101 fever so I took him to his pediatrician. The pediatrician ran some blood work but said everything was normal and he wasn't sure why he had ran a fever but to call him if he did it again.Kai was slightly congested so he recommended NS breathing treatments.

July 19, 2014 - K woke up not feeling good at all during the night and was having trouble breathing. It appears Kai has caught the cold me and the girls have had since before he was born. We ended up turning on the hot water at the hotel and having a steam room so he could breathe better, the NS treatments are not working. I am having to suction him all the time with NS and his bulb syringe and doing CPT on his little back but he is getting worse. He can't sleep and he can't breathe good at all.

July 20, 2014 - ES got really bad and began having trouble breathing and getting strangled when he was coughing. I am having to suction him almost every 5-10 minutes now and he is so pitiful. We get to the hospital, they immediately take us back to a room (without having to wait in the ER). They had an iv in his little hand, gave him two breathing treatments of Albuterol, had a catheter placed in him for a urine specimen, had a Lumbar puncture to test for meningitis, given tylenol and two different antibiotics and had a chest xray done all within an hour of us walking in the door to the ER. A pediatrician was called and I was told he had bilateral pneumonia and they would be admitting us. I had to say goodbye to the girls, mike and lo and we went upstairs.....during the stay K had a couple pf episodes where he couldn't catch his breath, or was getting strangled on mucus and his O2 would drop down to the 70's or 80's. Each moment that happened was extremely emotional and stressful for me. He almost hadn't made it at birth and now my precious little 6 week old little boy was having an extremely hard time again fighting just to breathe. We were in the hospital for 6 days and were discharged home with antibiotics and were told his lungs looked better and to followup with his primary pedicatrian.

July 30, 2014 -2 weeks have past since Kai first started coughing and running a fever and he isn't getting better. His pediatrician said to keep doing what we are doing.

August 5, 2014 - I make an appointment and we go in to see the doctor again. K is getting worse again and having problems coughing and losing his breathe again. I straight up tell the doctor that this is the third time I have been to him in a month and that something was wrong with K and there is no reason for him not to be getting better. The doctor then starts going back and looking at K's symptoms and problems. He calls the hospital and goes all the way back to his birth and all the trauma he experienced then and discovers that K's right lower lung has been collapsed since the day he was born. The xrays from the day after he was born and the xrays at dothan hospital show that it was collapsed and has been collapsed for the past 8 weeks. So that explains why he ended up with pneumonia and why he wasn't getting better. He said we would keep doing what we were doing already and that he would call a pediatric pulmonologist to see what else we needed to be doing. This was Tuesday am.  I called Tuesday afternoon and left a msg to see what he had found out but nobody called me back. I called Wednesday again with nothing. By Thursday I was extremely aggreviated and called up there and told them to just make me an appointment with the pediatric pulmonologist and I would just take K up to Bham myself since he was getting worse. Thursday afternoon, I went to the dr office myself after not getting called back all week and was told by the nurse that they had called multiple times but nobody from Bham office had called them back yet and the dr came out and said that i just needed to take him to the er in bham if he was worse and they would call a pulmonologist to check him out. So we head to bham and get there around 10 pm and go straight to the ER. We see a dr who says that K was already taking antibiotics and that he sounded ok and that he was sending us home. I was incredibly frustrated. So many different diagnosis the past 3 weeks and none of them were helping my son. We ended up spending the night in Bham. The next am I woke up and did not have peace about leaving Bham without some answers. While talking to K's doctor he kept calling the referring doctor by his first name, so I figured there couldn't be too many pediatric pulmonologist by the name David in Bham, so I googled and found one. So at 9:30am  I called the pulmonologist (that the dr office hadn't been able to get a call back from) and requested an appoinment and told them what all had been happening and they said they would talk to the dr and call me back. At 11:45am they called me back and asked me to come in at 12:30....I just started crying and praising God. We went into the pulmonologist office and immediately we treated with respect and met with an amazing doctor who listening to the whole story of what K had been dealing with the past 8 weeks and after looking at his xray told me that he still had a cold in his lungs, but no pneumonia and that his lung was actually now hyper inflated. She set me up for a swallow test, gave me a different breathing treatment and set us up for a follow up in 2 weeks. Over that period of time, K finally started getting better and becoming somewhat alert. At the next appointment after a series of tests, it was determined the K has asthma and we will be continuing to use the breathing treatments on him as needed for his wheezing and he was given some acid reflex medicine.


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