6/12/19 - Titles
Titles. So many people work hard to obtain them. They make you feel accomplished and proud. I mean I get it, I'm a CEO of not one but two successful companies. And I give God all the glory right now because they are His companies and not mine. I just have a title that the IRS likes to receive money from each year. Whatever your title, you are held accountable for the responsibilities of it. You work hard and earn money for your work. You get perks and benefits, paid vacations, etc. And you get a pat on the back and party for your advancement up the corporate ladder. Nothing wrong with that at all, but you know me I like analogies so here we go.
What title does Satan see when he looks at you? Does he see the titles of: my bitter, angry and hurting weed, my deceptive narrator of an oasis of peace and hope, or the sneaky fox that helps lead others astray from the right path? Weeds choke the life out of the plants. Anger, bitterness and pain if not dealt with in your own life, will cause others to become hurt and bitter in their life. Don't be a weed, be water. Always give life, not taking it. Are you an deceptive narrator of an oasis of peace and hope, not really at all what you appear? Telling others alcohol, drugs, sex, porn, etc will take away their pain? Don't be fake, be real, show the lost the way to Jesus. Are you a sneaky fox? Causing others to be tempted? Are you encouraging others to sin so you will look better? Don't be a fox, be a sheep, willing to go to slaughter if it means saving another sheep.
Or does Satan see other titles such as: prayer warrior, medic, soldier, blood donor, and general. Titles to be watched by Satan. A prayer warrior who never gives up hope and continue praying despite their circumstances. A medic who will go to a fallen and hurt Christian and give them the help they need in their trying times. A Christian soldier who never gives up and keeps fighting, who knows what is at stake if they dont keep going. A blood donor who is willing to share Jesus to a dying sinner destined for hell. A general who encourages and leads other Christians through the toughest of battles. What does Satan see when he looks at you?
My deepest desire is to be an Esther. A woman not afraid to do what needs to be done no matter if it means life or death. A woman who Satan watches and tries to destroy. If I am not on his radar, it is because I am not glorifying and honoring the One who created me for this time and this season. Lord make me a Paul. Bold and going against even the strongest enemy for the sake of Jesus. Lord use me, no matter the cost. No matter how it looks to others. No matter what people think or say, use me.
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