July 31, 2022

When I was somewhere between 17-20ish years old, I was at a church and there was an anointed young man that was so full of God that I was in awe. Struggling internally myself, I would pray God if I could just be like "him" one day, I just want to be anointed and live for God 110% without fear of rejection and be able to stand firm. I want that kind of anointing.
What a prayer. I didn't know what I was asking...
You see I only saw the current anointing and I failed to realize there was a pressing of the oil. When he lost his sister, I didn't see his pain until I lost my brother and then I caught a glipse of what he might have gone through.
We want a "give it to me now" anointing but we fail to realize there are circumstances and pain that cause that person to turn to God more fully when things get hard and tough. There are trials that almost break them. There are things taken away that break their heart. There are things and people walked away from. There is rejection but people who can't understand. There is hurt from people you thought you could trust. There are sacrifices.
So next time you see a Holy Ghost filled preacher or teacher, why don't we thank God, they pressed in instead of running away from the calling. Thank God for their endurance and thank God for bringing them through the fire. Thank you for the oil that was formed during the pressing.


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