Rest in God
Sometimes we don't understand why we are somewhere then it becomes clear. We struggle to "fit" when we were never called to "fit" because we are to be led by the Spirit to go to a much bigger puzzle. We are like kids in a playground running at crazy speed trying to be the 1st person to get to the best thing. Not caring about who we are running over and within seconds being over that thing and rushing to the next. Life goes by fast, Slow down! Be led by the Spirit not yourself or your emotions!
During church yesterday, I had a revelation. I was in a body of water I'm just doggie paddling myself exhausted. I was yelling for help and Jesus came and pushed gently on my shoulder and I immediately floated on my back and He said REST. Help is coming. Rest in Him, he already knows your need and when you will get it, just have faith and stop trying to fix everything yourself or looking to other people to help you. Look to Jesus there you will find your help, rest and happiness. 

Psalm 146:5 KJV
Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God:
Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God:
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