Stuck to who?
The moment you realize you let a human's word stick to your soul more than the word of God. The words became like a wedge bar that was slowly prying the truth from your heart and placing doubt and hurt in your heart, emotions. Emotions distorting reality, stay focus on God not what you feel at the moment. Some people will tear you down, place doubt in your mind and discourage you from your calling. But God's word will be there forever and should stay nailed in your soul with those same bloody nails that held him to the cross. His word should be stronger than any mortal tongue. Jesus was never "stuck" he stayed hanging on that cross for us repentive sinners. So dont let hurt people's word discourage you from where God has told you to go or where He has you "recharging" in solitude. Seek Him and Him alone and pray for each other. We all need more Jesus and less emotions.
Job 4:17 KJV
Shall mortal man be more just than God? shall a man be more pure than his maker?
Shall mortal man be more just than God? shall a man be more pure than his maker?
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