Emotional Word List
I was editing a word list for future use. I was erasing past feelings so the page would be empty of any emotions. As I was erasing marks by some of the words, I had to pixelate them so I could get closer and the more I zoomed in to erase, it didn't take too long before thats was the only word you could see. And it hit me.
How often in life are we so focused on the bad in our world that we can't see past anything else? How often do we fail to see past our emotions to see the rest of the page? It took a quick couple of clicks to get zoomed back out, too bad we can't do that in life huh? Or maybe we can. Next time you feel "zoomed" in a situation or pain, get a scripture verse that is opposite of that emotion/pain and then focus back on God and not on yourself. He made the page of emotions and he knows the bigger picture, trust Him.
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