
Showing posts from 2022

July 31, 2022

When I was somewhere between 17-20ish years old, I was at a church and there was an anointed young man that was so full of God that I was in awe. Struggling internally myself, I would pray God if I could just be like "him" one day, I just want to be anointed and live for God 110% without fear of rejection and be able to stand firm. I want that kind of anointing. What a prayer. I didn't know what I was asking... You see I only saw the current anointing and I failed to realize there was a pressing of the oil. When he lost his sister, I didn't see his pain until I lost my brother and then I caught a glipse of what he might have gone through. We want a "give it to me now" anointing but we fail to realize there are circumstances and pain that cause that person to turn to God more fully when things get hard and tough. There are trials that almost break them. There are things taken away that break their heart. There are things and people walked away from. There i...


A dog who wants attention and is demanding to be shown love can be overwhelming and annoying. Same goes for people. You don't have to fight to be loved, stop chasing the wrong people hoping for something and wait for God to direct your steps. Maybe you are being rejected because you place yourself in places you were never suppose to be.... Brilliant thoughts from a friend


  You can hold on to anger, of course it makes you feel alive, it was created for a temporary purpose not long term. Or you can see anger is a secondary emotion and deal with it. Hurt =past Frustration=current Fear= future Find the root and pull it up, don't get stuck in a rut just cause you fell in the dirt, get up

July 27, 2022 - The Field

The field was flattened, roots pulled up, hot and hard soil was left, but my God came with tender hands He healed, shaped and now here comes the harvest. It won't yield bad fruit but new fruit from a healing vine that goes back to Him.

July 25, 2022

My Jesus defines me. My identity is IN Him. Created, formed and designed, He knows me. Why would I let the world put their labels on me? My Jesus is all I need.

Seeds - July 22, 2022

I planted a lot of seeds, thanks to our landlady for providing me with everything I needed. I was gone last week and when I got back I noticed things I had overlooked before, like how much growth had occurred in my absence and how some weren't growing. It rained the week I was gone so nobody had to water or tend them in my absense. Tuesday, I pulled weeds, cut grass and I pulled out the no growth ones and used their soil to transport the "babies" to a bigger pot. We are called to throw seeds of the gospel, some grow and some don't. Sometimes we may be inclined to keep pouring water on something that isn't even growing just because we can't see in real time and we really do want to help. Sometimes in our absence they grow more by heavenly rain than our water hose. Sometimes we need to walk away and focus more on the ones wanting to grow more. Sometimes we might just be drowning them in doctrine and they don't even know what to do. And sometimes we may be wa...

July 14, 2022

Ever felt like you are at a brick wall or you don't know what to do next? Sometimes you gotta get away, get some people to pray with you and talk it through with you. So thankful for this week. I feel so refreshed and I still have a few more days to go.

Egypt/Promise Land

 God has been pressing on me to study Egypt & the promised land. So I started at the beginning and I didn't get very far. Exodus 1:12 KJV But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel. When bad things happen do you grow in your afflictions? Do you stay the same? Do you wither away? Are you on the devils radar because you just won't quit or give up already?  Is he trying to break you but because you know who you are in God, you just won't quit? Do you keep growing and your fruits multiple? He may have plowed you over yesterday, but today is a fresh field!!!! Grow don't you lay there and die!!!! God breathed life into you, it wasn't the devil. Don't allow the devils lies to take root in your field!!! Cast him out!!! The devil didn't sacrifice, bleed or die for you so why are you allowing him to plant in your mind (your body is the temple of God)? Why are you allowing fields of d...

Interpreter vs Mediator

 Interpreter: person who interprets, especially one who translates speech orally. Mediator: a person who attempts to make people involved in a conflict come to an agreement; a go-between. There will never be a relationship without an interpreter but a mediator works himself out of a job.  When teaching God's word, never be a person's interpreter otherwise when you fail to arrive they can't thrive. Be a mediator that teaches them how to start, grow and have a relationship with God without you ;)

Emotional Word List

 I was editing a word list for future use. I was erasing past feelings so the page would be empty of any emotions. As I was erasing marks by some of the words, I had to pixelate them so I could get closer and the more I zoomed in to erase, it didn't take too long before thats was the only word you could see. And it hit me. How often in life are we so focused on the bad in our world that we can't see past anything else? How often do we fail to see past our emotions to see the rest of the page? It took a quick couple of clicks to get zoomed back out, too bad we can't do that in life huh? Or maybe we can. Next time you feel "zoomed" in a situation or pain, get a scripture verse that is opposite of that emotion/pain and then focus back on God and not on yourself. He made the page of emotions and he knows the bigger picture, trust Him.


 Oh but the harvest is coming! So ripe, so bountiful and all that waiting, and lonely season. I've been building to receive and I'm prepared for it and I'm ready to praise it in and pray and send it out. My God you are so good to me! My Jireh, you are enough!!!


 This old room had a lot of good memories. I remember watching movies with my brother in this room. But past memories do not make new futures. Past memories can hurt, break, and trap you to never change. So today I remember the memories but I move on to watch the remodeling and restoration process.

Azalea Bush

 Ever wonder why we see the same things grow back into our lives time and time again.... Look at this azalea bush, I pulled alot of roots up, and only stopped when I hit grass and then thought I had it up. Until I took the rake and realized the old big root was deep and had grass growing on top of it. I had to scratch, dig and pull but finally got most of it. But I'm worn out so tomorrow, I'll do more. We can't expect to see change in our lives,  if the old sinful root of the problem is still there. The devil is smart. You might can throw some green looking grass in your life but that old root will start growing again, secretly at first and then take over again and again. Even growing new vines that will choke out other growing things.  Change is hard, it takes work and it is a daily process. Keep going. Don't give up. Ask Jesus to shine His light to reveal what sin is in your life and even if its deep rooted, you can overcome anything through God's name! Mercy, For...


 For the ones that feel unloved, unwanted, sad, depressed or hopeless.  Seek God with your whole heart.  You may be drowning right now in life but do you know who calms the storms and says Peace Be Still? You can search for happiness in things, places and people but it will never complete you. The only thing that will complete you is a relationship with God, seek Him first and know true peace. Send me prayer requests if you have any. Love yall! Proverbs 8:17 - I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. Jireh by Elevation Worship & Maverick City (get Praise and Worship song!) I'm already loved I'm already chosen I know who I am I know what You've spoken I'm already loved More than I could imagine And that is enough! That is enough (that is enough) Jehovah, You are (that is enough) El Shaddai, You are (that is enough) When I have You, I have everything (that is enough) When I have Jesus, I have everything (that is enough) That is enough (tha...


 Climb that is my word right now. Sometimes no matter your circumstances you gotta climb.  Some may not know but I wasn't tall until around my teen years. I remember my younger sister being taller than me, it was embarassing that as the oldest I was shorter than her. But in one season, I grew to 5'8" and I was tall!  Don't underestimate a season. Growth happens when you stay faithful and keep your eyes not on your outward appearance/circumstances but on God. Look at Zacchaeus. He was short but he had a tree to climb. His short stature didn't stop him, and I have watched my kids climb trees, and sometimes their little legs can't reach but they find a way. Zacchaeus didn't allow earthly things to stop him from seeing Jesus. One moment he was short and the next he was hosting the King in his home!!! How's your earthly temple (body)? Sick?  Oh, but the Holy Spirit is there and that is reason to rejoice! Make haste, you may have wordly things affecting you b...

January 7

 I'm not going to waste 1 more day on 364 past day failures. It's time to rise up and be who God called you to be.

2021 Reflections

 Things I have learned the last year. 1. I am loved and accepted by God, if the whole world rejects me, I still have Him. I do not have to prove anything to this world, God died for me and in Him I am enough. 2. I don't have to try to be perfect and wear myself out, see number 1. 3. It is ok to cry. 4. It's ok to rest and not feel guilty about it. 5. Rejection hurts. It can propel you to a path of destruction or it can force you to examine your life and see what needs to change. 6. People will always gossip about your faults but it's ok, see number 1. 7. When you start seeing strongholds that have held you back for years and God and you breakthrough. Just wow! 8. Things may never go back to what they were, and yes it hurts but God already knew what was going to happen and in Him there comes healing. 9. Admitting you have marriage problems shouldn't be hard. Getting help shouldn't be frowned upon. The devil attacks what is valuable, thieves don't break into an em...