01/03/2020 - Zebra and Rhino
Me: Kids look at that rhino trying to blend in with the zebras
Mike: i didnt even see him with all those zebras around him.
Mike: i didnt even see him with all those zebras around him.
Moral of the story: Stop trying to blend in where you dont belong. God has a plan and a purpose for your life, and its a perfect specific plan and purpose. Sin will encapsulate, and surround you in hopelessness and regret. Seek God with all your heart, mind and soul. Be who God created to be and not who the devil wants you to be, destroyed, useless and blending in with the world. And for clarification, God doesn't want you to be something that goes against or is contrary to the Bible. Living in sin, running from God, etc makes your words change but God's word never changes, it is infallible.
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