02/29/2020 - Unforgiveness

I did this Bible study a few years ago, it was a journey through the past, real transparent words filled with anger, resentment, hurt and pain. I never wanted anyone to read my words because they were raw and I had to heal from the inside out. I had to heal in forgiveness for myself, others and guess what. Even if the other people never said they were sorry, I have to forgive them.
Ever carried around bitterness, guilt, anger, resent or hurt? It will weigh you down and destroy you. You cant harbour unforgiveness, the Bible is very clear on it.
Matthew 6:14-15 KJV
For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: [15] But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Forgiveness wasn't anything we as sinners deserved it is by God's grace, mercy and Jesus dying on the cross for our sins that we can be forgiven.
Unforgiveness will destroy your book before you even finish the chapter. Don't let it consume you. Repent, forgive and don't look back.
How do you know you have truly forgiven someone? When you pray for them without anger or bitterness, when their very name doesnt irritate you and you can be in their presence without any old feelings coming out and can show them love.
Tips to deal with unforgiveness: Write stuff down, pray over it and ask God to help you, and then burn it =freedom from bondage


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