03/17/2020 - Give
In every crisis, people are looking for hope. Show them Jesus, not just in our words but in our actions. Fear causes bondage to yourself and others. Be free of fear, have faith and trust in the God.
Sunday, we had church service as scheduled. 7pm, a man came by our site, He needed bread for him and his kids because the grocery stores were out. So we gave him bread and some paper towels. Another man needed eggs so I gave him 6 of mine.
A few minutes later, a man came with a bag and said the lady from church today wanted you to have these. Cookies 

Yesterday am, I went around asking all the workers if they needed anything. The guy that had a stroke about 2 months ago asked for Lysol spray. I couldn't find any at the store so I gave him one of my two cans when I got back.
Last night, a lady said I'm leaving early and have tons of groceries can you please take them. Yes maam I will and if anyone needs anything I will share it. My fridge is full now.
God has already replaced what I gave away. You see we cant hoard stuff, we need to show love to our fellow people. Be the different, show Jesus, people need to find Jesus and if you are too busy rushing around with everybody else then who will share Him? Be different, dont blend in to the chaos, shine Jesus' light into the chaos.
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