02/03/2020 - Railroad Ties
My best friend and I were carrying railroad ties, I bought from Marvin's. One was wet and one was dry. The dry one was easy to pick up and move compared to the wet one. The wet one was super heavy and whatever they put on them stained my hands. No amount of washing could get it off.
Which railroad tie are you? Is your life so saturated with God that when the trials come you are immovable because you have put your trust, hope and faith in God. Or are you so dry that you are easily picked up and carried away by the things of this world? I pray tonight you get so in the word of God that you become saturated with His glory and goodness and power and you won't be carried off easily. And just like that wet wood left a stain, I pray whatever comes against you or touches you walks away knowing the power of God and that cant be erased or removed from their life.
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