1/16/2020 - Well poop
We are potty training.....
Me: Elia, dont put that in your mouth!
*looks at it closely*
Me: who the crap makes an eraser that looks like poop?
Epic heart rate zone achieved based on outside appearances. I judged inaccurately based on my own past experiences. I mean I have never seen a poop eraser
*looks at it closely*
Me: who the crap makes an eraser that looks like poop?
Epic heart rate zone achieved based on outside appearances. I judged inaccurately based on my own past experiences. I mean I have never seen a poop eraser

Are you judging people by their outward appearances? Broken people usually display it as rebellion but sometimes it is really hurt. Are you judging someone based on your expectations or emotions instead of reality? Emotions distort reality. If you find yourself put off by someones outward appearance, I challenge you to go talk to them. Jesus shared his love with everyone, the cripple, the blind, the tax collectors and the sinners. He didnt look at David and say puny boy, he looks at David and said man after my own heart. David did everything for the glory of God and as a result defeated huge enemy armies and a giant. Be used by God despite the circumstances. Circumstances and appearances can deceive us, allow God to show you the world through his eyes.
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