01/07/2020 - Secret Service
We went to see Trump in Miami last week. Secret service agents were there and there was no denying them. Their appearance, outfit, stance, and even the badge said who they were. My friend walked up to one and said not so secret huh? The agent didn't think it was that funny.
My question to you: Do people know what you represent and what you believe or is it a secret? Are you a Christian that is blends into the world or are you one that stands up for what is Biblical, despite the friends you may loose along the way. And for me personally, there have been more friends lost than stayed. But guess what? For all the ones lost, God sent more friends that pushed me and walked with me to God and not pushing me away or holding me back. I have been told off for being friends with some people even though God had called me to help them at that time in those people's life. I have been berated for not helping with some people but I knew where God was calling me at that time. Jesus leads us every day. Make sure He has your reigns and not someone who doesnt know the greater plan for your life, or they will hold you back. Pray without ceasing, search God's plan for your life, repent of your sins, and represent God in all you do. Are you a Christian in secret or do people know you stand for God?
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