03/03/2020 - Identity

Our identity isn't in outward appearances. Picture #1 shows a Greater Kudu and so does Pic #2. But there is a difference, Pic #1 has an outward difference, introducing my kudu named Elliot. Is "Elliot" any less of a Greater Kudu than "Ian" in Pic #2. Nope, pic #1 and pic #2 still show a Greater Kudu. Pic #1 just shows a Greater Kudu that doesn't back down from a fight, and his one horn doesn't change what He is.
Spiritually stop letting people, clothes, jobs, your weight, cars, your family name or anything else define you. If you are a Christian, your identity is in Christ alone. Why are you letting temporary "identities" matter more than your eternal identity?
We all have a purpose and a mission, some of us may be worn out and different looking but it doesn't define us, we are still sons and daughters of God at the end of this day.


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