02/19/2020 - InstaPot
I love my InstantPot, I use it about 5-6 times a week. It was kinda like woah when I first used it and I had no clue what i was doing. The 1st use, I had to get to the point where I was like if I didnt do it right I might burn my face off with bumbling hot food particles.....but it worked and I ate delectable fall apart pork chops. Tonight I cooked taco fiesta. 2pds of meat, corn and black beans were reduced to nothing by 4 little hobbits.
Instant Pot is awesome because it puts tons of pressure on the food and cooks it in half the time and it is always super tender and juicy.
Spiritually we are all thinking we cant be a leader or a teacher, etc, because we havent had all the training. We are still to "raw". Leave it to God, to know exactly what He is doing. In all times of immediate pressure in the Bible, leaders were revealed. When the pressure is on, will you learn? Absorb His lessons that He is teaching you? and stay tender to the people God loves? Long cooking makes things either fall apart or soggy and they become useless to eat or they can become too tough to even be useful.
Surrender to God, learn His path for your life and stay humble so in the high pressure times you dont fall apart or become to tough but turn out better than anyone else could've planned.
God is timeless, trust Him and His plan for your life.
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