02/20/2020 - Poison Fruit
We went on another adventure last week. I love homeschool trips. While walking I saw this tree and sign. Warning: Poisonous fruits. The fruit looked pretty and normal but obviously it was dangerous. So away I went with the 4 kids very close by and we went to explore somewhere safer.
If Adam and Eve had a sign like that would they have fallen? Yes, because if you dont follow God's voice, you will follow Satan. The warning by God was there, eat of any tree but which one? Yeah the tree of good and evil. They had a great life, walking around naked, eating free food, fresh water, naming animals and basking in the perfect temperature sun. Sounds glorious right? But that ole sneaky devil came in and tempted Eve and then she got Adam to sin. Their perfect life was ruined for disobeying their creator and sinning against Him.
Have you ever noticed that right about the time someone gets what they always wanted that they sin? Not just a little sin but a boom shackalaka BIG one. Kinda causes you to think what were they thinking? They had it all and just face planted into the devils evil plan. Wasnt God's plan and ways good enough for them? They just had to have more and more. Didnt they know God will supply everything they needed in that season? Sad huh? You ever been there, done that, and got the t-shirt?
God didnt abandon Adam & Eve but their lifestyle had changes due to their actions. They could not go back to how it was pre-fall but they did have a new start. Was it easy? Nope. Was it hard? Yes.
Maybe you did the bookm shackala sin at your moment of "having it all". Let me tell you, Repent, turn from your wicked ways and walk towards a new start with God. You cant fix the broken or hurt you caused people but you can ask for forgiveness and have faith in God for healing.
If you dont know what I'm talking about then watch out. The devil loves to attack when a breakthrough is on the bright horizon. He has to attack in the dark places. He knows about God and how His presence illuminates and diminishes the dark. Pray for yourself, pray for your Pastors and families and leaders. Satan comes ready to attack, its time we are watching, in the full armour of God and prepared. Stop becoming complacent and be ready for him.
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