1/23/2020 - Marriage Fight
Ok real transparency here.
My husband and I were fighting. He was being his stubborn pitbull on a bone routine and me? I was the bull from Ferdinand, that tough one that fought with all his might. Yeah two stubborn things, neither budging. Lots of who gets the last word. Stubborn man.......very stubborn woman.....so He walked off and in my anger I said God help this situation. And do you know what He said? No Mike didnt come riding back on a horse with sunlight streaming and sappy music. Thats not reality ever.
God said: You aren't fighting him.
All my anger faded, the fight didnt matter anymore. 4 words opened my eyes to the truth. So when Mike came back, I humbly walked up to him and apologized for my Irish/Swedish conquering temper and he did too. Point of this message?
All my anger faded, the fight didnt matter anymore. 4 words opened my eyes to the truth. So when Mike came back, I humbly walked up to him and apologized for my Irish/Swedish conquering temper and he did too. Point of this message?
Are you fighting for what matters in the spiritual realm or are you allowing the devil to sneak in behind enemy lines and destroy from the inside out. So many people are giving up on their marriage because they dont want to keep putting effort into something that seems hopeless. Don't give up. Keep fighting. You fight for the ones you love. You always have their back. There are enough people against us in this world. Protect your spouses back. Stop fighting each other, pray and unite together to fight the real enemy. And guess what your spouse isnt it. You can run to the next relationship but that devil He will be there to sooner or later. Stop taking your marriage vows lightly, take them to heart, fight for your spouse in prayer and not with them. Fight for love.
And if any of you need help, I know an awesome marriage counselor. Message me, she is in AL. If you cant figure it out together, get help, dont give up. Unity.
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