1/18/2020 - The Land
A few years ago, I bought a house and some land. Kai was little and in his carseat sleeping, my rat terrier and I were cleaning up the yard and I had a burn pile. I was about worn out so I looked around the yard and I saw a old wood counter so I pulled it as far as I could but I only made it half way to my burn pile before I ran out of strength. So I left it in the middle of the driveway, I put the dog in the truck with sleeping Kai and the ac and walked to the burn pile. I had a cup of gas in one hand and a lighter in the other. I squatted down poured the gas on the pile, and had a small starter trail of gas that led to me. Ready to start my burn pile, still squatted down, I flicked the lighter. Nothing. I flicked it again nothing. Then I heard something behind me wood smashing, I turned around just in time, to jump out of the way and run after the truck, opening the truck door and stopped the truck. My excited dog had somehow knocked the truck into gear (apparently you dont have to hold the brake down to change gears on a 97 dodge ram). I remember the fear that flooded through me jumping out of the way, chasing a runaway truck with my sleeping baby inside and praying. I have no doubt in my mind God led me to drag that counter out and had placed it in the truck's path. The wood smashing is the only sound that saved me from being run over by my own truck. And if that fire would have started, I would have been pushed into the fire, my baby and I both possibly killed but God protected.
Why do I share the gospel? Why do I not care if a person rejects what I am saying or even rejects me. I've seen the bigger picture. God is faithful! He is my Father, protector, leader, guide, and comfort through this world. I know whatever danger is around me, my God has a hedge of protection around me and He is the only one I can depend on in this life. I know He formed me, made me, substains me and guides me no matter how dark or confused my surroundings are in life. I know He loves me and I love him. I will shout it, God is my God!!! Not because my parents, church or friends told me so but because I have seen his goodness, I have experienced his forgiveness, grace and mercy and I know who fights for me. I will share about God because of all He has done and will do for me!!!!
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