The Fisherman and the Fish

June 6, 2011 @ 10:48pm

One sunny day a fisherman walked to a little pond and sat down. He didn’t do anything but just  watched the surface of the little pond, he watched the tiny minnows swimming just below the surface, he watched the big fish jump and leap up in the air and watched them smack the surface as their weight drove them back down to the depths. He watched the birds soar high above, and he watched the snake in the grass that was watching him. He watched the whole pond and then he got off and walked away.

 Just below the surface one little fish named Barnabus stopped suddenly and looked up towards the dark shadow that fell over the pond......"oh, just that funny looking tree again” but he ignored it and he kept swimming and playing with his friend. That night he went home and his momma told him that he needed to stop playing all day long and he needed to start paying attention to the way the pond was changing. It isn't safe for you anymore, you are getting bigger and one day a bird or turtle may catch you and then you will wish you had listened to your old momma. She also warned him about a funny looking wire basket thing that he was suppose to stay away from but he didn't really hear the rest as he drifted in and out of sleep.

The next morning Barnabus and his friends raced back and forth around the pond's edge oblivious to anything else around him. After winning every race Barnabus had began to get a little cocky and his friend decided to put him in his place. His friends dared him to swim to the middle of the pond and to try to jump up and down like the big fish. They knew he would never make it but if he was so much better at anything then maybe he should go and show them.....hrmmmm...hrmmmm....something momma said tried to come through his thoughts but he pushed it out of his mind. OK FINE...I'll do it and all of you will never forget it either!

Barnabus took off as fast as he could go, he swam and swam and swam, and he got so tired he just stopped. He looked back but he couldn't see any of his friends anymore, he looked forward but he couldn't see anything that way either, maybe he should just swim to the top and look around. Barnabus swam up to the surface and started to look around when all of the sudden something big and brown flooded his vision and before he knew it he was flying...wait he was out of the pond and flying in the air! This wasn't right, he wasn’t suppose to be out of the water. He started thrashing about against the piercing grip that had him held captive. He thrashed and thrashed but he couldn't break free. Then suddenly something happened, a loud bang sounded and that brown bird started falling and falling and then we hit the ground. Barnabus started having a hard time breathing, and then he noticed I could see the pond and he was free of those piercing claws. He flipped and flopped this way and that but couldn't make very far. Barnabus finally gave up and started hoping that this pain would go away and that he would be able to breathe again but it didn't happen. He flipped over and saw that big brown bird staring at him with dark black eyes that didn’t move or blink. It wasn't going to get back up again. He started thinking about what his momma said and he wished he had listened to her....maybe hopefully  he could tell her how sorry he was for not listening to her. Barnabus started thinking about taking a nap but then suddently that tall flowing tree started coming toward him.....

The fisherman walked toward the dead bird and looked for the fish. He had watched that little fish swimming straight toward the middle, he watched as the bird dove down, plucked the little fish from the water, and carried him off. It hadn't taken much thought before he picked the rock up and killed that bird...Now he had to find the fish......he couldn't last that much longer without water.

Barnabus took one last look up and saw the tall tree reaching for him...wait this wasn't a tree this was different. What was this thing before him? Maybe it was what momma called a man. He felt himself being lifted and carried. He didn't know where he was going but he didn't really care anymore. Anywhere was better than where he had been. He felt himself being lowered and felt cool fresh water flow over him. Yippee he wasn't going to die! The man had carried him over and put him back in the pond! He didn't kill him, he saved him. Barnabus started swimming slowly getting back to his normal self, and then he looked up and saw the man watching him and smiling.....Then the man walked off ....Barnabus swam back to his house and told his momma what had happened to him, she took care of his wounds, and told him he should tell all his friends about his wounds so they could learn from him what not to do.....Barnabus did tell everybody his story and never went back to the middle of the pond again....the end.....

What was this story about? Was it about a fish? Sure, it was but what else did you gather from this story?

Every person in this world is in a "pond". We think we are in charge, brag about our worldly treasures, and sometimes when we get bored with the little things we will adventure out and get into trouble. We get out of the safety zone and don't even realize it. The devil will put stuff out there for us that gets "a hold on" us and we have a hard time breaking free. But I'm thankful that by the POWER and BLOOD of JESUS that we can be set free! I'm thankful that the Lord holds us in his hand and lets the LIVING WATER flow through us to give us life.  I'm thankful I have a Savior who will watch over me and takes care of me when I go off on my own. I'm thankful that when I've discovered that I'm not where I need to be in my Christian walk, and when I'm lying in self pity that Jesus will still come to me and forgive me and give me hope, mercy and strength to get back on my feet. I'm thankful he will lift me up and heal my wounds. I'm thankful that he watches over me and knows my every move. I'm thankful that he knows tomorrow and holds it in his hand. I'm thankful that I have the wounds so that I have a testimony to share to others, to encourage them or to keep them from making the same mistake. I'm thankful for grace. I'm thankful for one drop of blood that wipes all my sins away......................


The past month I have been allowing myself to be pulled into a "Self pity" moment. I began getting depressed at my lack of ministry and the pain from my shoulder got me even further down to the point of instead of trying to do something....I started sitting at home and "reclused" into my room. My husband kept started telling me I needed to get out, not feel guilty about things that I can't control, and to keep working for God by sharing my testimony and he started making me go everywhere with him so I won't be doing nothing. He told me that my feelings of useless, the feeling of depression, the feelings of guilt, and my lack of self-esteem was from the devil and that I needed to rebuke the devil and pray. He prayed with me many times. I just kept feeling more and more depressed and guilty about not being in Niger and not being able to do anything about it. Then last Friday night I went to a church service with Mike and my sister-in-law. While we were there many people came and prayed over my sister-in-law, and prayed for her healing and I've never seen so many people praying for one person in my life, but they just kept coming to pray for her. It was an amazing and I'm extremely thankful for all the prayers that went up for Rae. The pastor came to me and told me what God told him to tell me and the things he said were totally from God and exactly what I needed to hear. Isn't it awesome when God sends people to help you, and pray for you? Since that night I haven't felt any depression or sense of uselessness thank God! I was so focused on what I couldn't do that I didn't realize where I was getting myself to...... a point of nowhere........anyways, please keep praying for me! I've gotten in my Bible more the past couple of days, and started reading my devotional again. I "forgot" the devil is out to kill, steal and doesn't matter if I'm here in the USA or in Niger...Thankfully Jesus Christ watches out for me and loves me!

Prayer Requests:

Pray that I will find a mentor here in the USA, (I had an amazing mentor in Niger and miss having a mentor)
Pray that I will find a place where I fit and be able to minister more here.

Pray for good Christian friends. I do miss my close Christian friends from Niger right now too!


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