October 31, 2014 - Update

My baby girl has been having problems with sleeping for awhile now. She is restless all night long, flops around and jerks in her sleep which causes her to wake up crying multiple times throughout the night. We just switched to a new pediatrician two weeks ago (after everything we went through with Kai). I told the new pediatrician about this and they immediately referred me to a pediatric neurologist in Birmingham. This past summer I noticed that Elo favors one side more than the other and she runs kinda funny (on her toes and kinda teeters). I mentioned this to their previous dr but was told that it was tibial torsion and she would grow out of it. Anyways, today as I am telling the neurologist she asks if she can take Elo out to the hall and proceeds to throw a ball down the hall multiple times and tries to get her to throw it back. Elo is running up and down the hall and just giggling and have a blast. Then the dr. does some reflex tests on her and tries to get her to use her left hand for throwing the ball and other stuff. Then she starts asking me about her sleeping pattern and other things. Then she says I think she has mild cerebral palsy that just affects her lower limbs aka spastic diplegic cerebral palsy (she has normal brain functionality).  Then she started explaining that she was going to have us back for some tests and an EEG and about leg braces. She will have to wear the EEG for 48 hours straight and keep it recording to test her throughout the day and at night. I have to record her sleeping a couple of nights too. Please pray for us. I cried alot today and I also prayed alot. I am thankful that she is as healthy as she is and that her mind is not affected. It is alot to take in and alot to think about so please pray for Elo and our family right now. Pray for God's will whatever that may be.


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