Who is Saul ? - May 28, 2020

Someone asked me about the Spirit of Saul, ironically when I wrote my last blog on Jezebel, Saul was someone that was associated with it. But I am still learning so I told them I would search out and read the Bible and see what I could find out. So Saul, who was Saul? Well, which one? Old Testament or the New Testament one? One died by his own sword and one transformed into a mighty warrior for God by a miracle. Let's look at them side by side.

Saul #1
Saul #2
Shepherd when found by Samuel
Trained to know the Bible was a scholar
Hide in baggage when chosen to be King
Stepped up
Showed strong leadership skills
Showed leadership by finding and persecuting Christians
Had a problem that he couldn’t solve, introduce David
Fought and killed Christian, but couldn’t fix his blindness problem on his own, introduce Ananias
David played Lyre to calm evil spirit on Saul
Saul became consumed with trying to kill Christians for the cause
Saul became jealous of David
Saul was transformed by God and became a strong leader for the right cause this time
Saul became consumed with killing David

Saul thrived on control and was defensive towards anyone that was against him and for David.

Everyone conspired against him

 From the tribe of Benjamin
From the tribe of Benjamin

How to Recognize a Saul.

Saul may be someone in leadership that use to be anointed but God has withdrawn from them and now they have jealous and unfounded hatred for someone with a true anointing on them. They will try to "help" you while plotting to destroy you.  One minute they love you and the next minute their javelin is in their hand ready to throw at you at a moment's notice. 

Both sauls had a man of God come to them to attempt to help them. Saul #1 didn’t wait, turned to his own ways, later sought out counsel from a witch, and was removed from being King,  Saul#2 had no revelation until God blinded him on Damascus road. He was blind and had to wait for Ananias to come to him.  Saul #1 and Saul#2 two men, two hearts but two different outcomes.

Where there is a Saul there is a Prophet.

Saul was anointed while shepherding just like David. Saul was to be a "David" but because of his inabilities to trust and follow God, God removed himself from him. Outside of God, there is no protection and an evil spirit fell on Saul. The opposite of God is the Devil. The devil loves to have hate, bitterness, anger, and insecurities cloud your mind. Jealousy will flow forth so that it will be a hindrance to both parties involved. Confusion and chaos will follow. Saul turned to witchcraft for help. Then he killed himself by falling on his own sword, no hope in deliverance at the end. Abraham tried to force time and produced an Ishmael. A Saul spirit will produce a fake encounter that seems real but isn’t from God. The Spirit of Saul will show strong leadership skills, just like Saul#1 and Saul#2. They will become jealous of true prophets or disciples of God.  Their hatred for true prophets will so consume them that they will not even understand it at times. Sauls will not be able to defeat their strongholds and will need someone to help them.  Sauls will always be on the defense and accuse others of protecting or siding with the true men or women of God.  In the beginning, Sauls will find peace in the presence of true believers, but you can’t be hot or cold. You can’t have evil and good in the same space very long before there has to be a change. Both Sauls in the Bible were from the tribe of Benjamin. Benjamin was the second child of Jacob and Rachel and as we know Joseph was the favorite and everyone was jealous of Joseph. Is there any surprise jealousy is a trait of the Saul spirit? Saul prophesied with the prophets both when he was first anointed to King and later when He went to find David (1 Samuel 19:24). The spirit of Saul can be in the anointing presence of God, feel the anointing of God but still chose to follow the demonic realm instead of God. Just as Saul felt peace in the presence of David's playing the lyre, he also prophesied with the prophets as they played the lyre, look for Sauls to invade a true atmosphere of worship. 

All the times that Saul wanted to kill David, it was due to other people's words or actions. This spoke volumes to me as other people may be deceived by this spirit and not understand when it rares up at the simple praise of another believer.  (1 Sam 18:8, 1 Sam 20)

Saul was afraid of David because David behaved wisely in the eyes of the people. No matter what Saul threw at David, David handled it with wisdom and grace and that was what scared Saul. Be prepared to handle whatever is thrown at you by the devil in a way that will scare the very messenger from hell. (1 Samuel 18)

Jonathon and Michal both loved David and their Father became angry at both of them because of their loyalty to David. Don't be surprised when the ones closest to the Saul spirit come to you on the behalf of their loved ones to try to intervene for that person's actions. 

This is just something I studied myself. There is very little about the spirit of Saul although after studying it is very much apparent it is something that is displayed in the church today. I plan on continuing to study and am open to hearing others' thoughts on this topic. 




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