The flight of the Malaria ridden

November 22, 2010

I am going to be ok. I just know it. This is just a trial and I am going to get through it by the grace of God. He is my Savior, my healer, my salvation, my Redeemer, my Abba Father, my Jehovah- Jireh, my strength, he is my GOD! I keep remembering the old wizard on Lord of the Rings when he is clothed in white and has his rod and he says to the fiery dragon, “You shall not pass”. I feel like this, I am fighting the forces of darkness right now. This is not just a disease this is spiritual warfare. The devil does not want me to be in Niger he has repeatedly shown that in my dreams, and sickness. He has tried to make me go for my fleshy wants and needs (go and run home). How do I know this? I prayed God would show me the way to go and allow me to hear his voice. I had a dream. In this dream - I am surrounded by men, who are dressed in black from head to toe. They are all wearing sunglasses. They are all possessed by the devil. I am alone in the midst of them and trying to pray the demons out of them. One of them comes right up to me, lifts his sunglasses, and stares at me with green snake eyes. I keep praying but they will not leave and then God’s words flood my mind “this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting”. Then I woke up. This is not the first demon dream I have had since arriving in Niger. This is just one of many dreams. I am not scared of them because I know Jesus is more powerful than any demon and even Satan himself. It says in the Romans 16:20 ‘And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.’. I knew spiritual warfare was strong here so about a month ago I checked out a book from the school library called “Essentials of Spiritual Warfare” by A. Scott Moreau it has been a very awesome and spiritual awakening book. I also checked out some Ted Dekker books, which I have really grown to appreciate due to the author’s great Christian faith that is shown in his books. Well today, I finished reading a book titled “Adam”. This book is amazing and really helped me today. Normally I would never read a book like this but I did not know it was “that” type of book. It was about a serial killer who killed women and a bad to the bone atheist FBI agent who tracked him down. Sounds good right? Well except in the end, the killer was possessed by the devil and then the devil possessed the FBI agent who did not believe in God. I never read about possessions due to the fact I have seen the real thing a couple of times before and I do not like reading about it but today I needed to read it. It should how even though the priest was by himself that the name of Jesus caused the demons to flee because of the power in the name of Jesus. This encouraged me because after my dream I realized even if I am alone I have power in the name of JESUS CHRIST and demons must flee even if I am alone here because in reality I’m not alone I have the Holy Spirit with me and angels guarding me. The devil cannot do anything unless Jesus gives him the authority to do so. At the end of “Adam”, it went into a study about spiritual warfare. It was awesome especially since I am already reading a book about it and didn’t know that “Adam” was about spiritual warfare. Therefore, I concluded that I am doing what I need to do and that this is a trick of the devil to make me feel discouraged and hopeless. Another point is that every time I think of leaving Niger I have a strong conviction and it grew when I started looking at plane tickets. I am open to whatever God tells me to do but at this time, I feel he has already more than confirmed I need to stay in Niger. Another confirmation was my Bible study and devotion tonight. My devotional said:

“Do you believe that I am able to do this”? – Matthew 9:28

God deals with impossibilities. It is never too late for Him to do so, as long as that which is impossible is brought to Him in complete faith by the person whose life and circumstances would be impacted if God is to be glorified. If we experienced rebellion, unbelief, sin and ruin in our life it is never too late for God to deal triumphantly with these tragic things, if they are brought to him in complete surrender and trust. It has often been said, and truthfully so, that Christianity, is the only religion that can deal with a person’s past. God “will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten” (Joel 2:25) and He is trustworthy to do it unreservedly. He does so not because of what we are but because of who He is. God forgives and heals and restores for he is “the GOD of all grace” (I Peter 5:10). May we praise Him and trust Him.

Nothing is too hard for Jesus; No Man can work like him. We have a God who delights in impossibilities and who asks, “Is anything too hard for me?” (Jeremiah 32:27).

Amazing devotional huh? I am also reminded of my new favorite movie “Facing the Giants”. I hadn’t watched it until shortly after I arrived in Niger. It is inspirational to me at times when despair floods my soul. Look what happened in these two peoples lives once they turned their lives over to God. What is too hard for God? Another movie that is a favorite is “Faith like Potatoes” sometimes we have to step out and do something “stupid” in the world’s opinion and step out in faith. Whatever happens to me here in Niger I know God is with me. I listen to HIS voice and HIS leading me to where I need to go. Right now, I feel God wants me to stay in Niger at this time of November 22, 2010. I understand I have been sick off and on with malaria since August but I can’t give up the calling and path God has placed before me. I can’t be like Jonah and refuse to go where God told me to go. My hearts cry I wrote down at the Journey Deepens was “Send me Oh Lord, Send Me” and then God sent me to Niger, Africa on June 17, 2010. I have to trust in God no matter what may happen. God is my protector, and my healer. He will heal me in his timing and not my own. He knew everything that would happen to me in Niger before I even arrived here because he was already walking in front of me. Now I must follow my Father and trust in Him completely and without doubt. So as each day appears before me, I trust in HIM and together we make it through that day. I am taking one day at a time with Jesus. Psalms 27 “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” This has been my life verse for a long time now and it is my reminder that anything is possible with Jesus Christ and I have nothing to fear as long as I am walking in HIS will for my life. Jesus is my all and all and nothing this world has to offer can ever compare to falling on my face and worshipping my Lord and Savior one day when this life has ended.


Father, I am your humble and willing servant, use me for the building up of your kingdom. I pray something I say, or my actions will only reflect you Jesus. I pray for my worldly mind and pray that the Holy Spirit will flood it with spiritual thoughts and freedom from this carnal sinful mind. I pray you will use me for your will. Take my will and conform it to yours oh Lord. Father, create in me a clean heart and renewed spirit. Father call me and I will answer. Send me and I will go Lord Jesus. This world has nothing to offer me but pain, sadness, and sorrow but I will press on towards you oh Lord. I pray against the devices that the devil would use to tempt me and attempt to lead me away from the righteous path. God thank you for what you have given me, God thank you for what you haven’t given me because I know it was your will and that is what I desire in my life. God, please forgive me for my doubt, my mistrust, and my sins. Father help me have the faith of a mustard seed, help me trust and wait for you when everyone else says give up, help me stand strong in this world for you, help me resist temptation, and give me strength to be a light to this world. Father you are my everything and I long to be used by you. Help me to control my pride and be humble for your kingdom. Help me show others your love and help me show them your grace and mercy that you have shown me. Father I am a sinner and unworthy of your grace, mercy and salvation but thank you for reaching down to me and saving me from my sins and the flames of hell. Thank you for giving me the gift of eternal life. Thank you for sending your perfect Son to be a sacrifice for my sins. Please forgive me for the times I sin and keep me close to you so that I may walk in the way of truth and righteousness. Father I love you and I praise you for what you have done in my life and in this world. Thank you Father. In Jesus Name, I Pray. Amen!


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