November 1, 2010

The hunter sat waiting in his tree stand for almost 3 hours before the reason for his timing showed itself. A buck not far away stepped from the deeper part of the woods. This was not like other deer, it was magnificent, had 12 point rack, and its size wasn’t expected in this part of the woods, much less the state! Nevertheless, as the hunter looked he couldn’t deny the size of the deer or the fact that it was indeed here. The hunter knew that this size of deer would serve the purpose; the people would be saved from this size of sacrifice. Looking through his scope, he waited for the buck to get within his range. Timing was everything. The deer suddenly stopped, started sniffing the air and then looked right at the hunter. The hunter knew the deer couldn’t see him because of his camouflage but still he knew the deer sensed his presence. The magnificent buck slowly begins walking again despite the hunter… one step, then two steps and then that’s it. The hunter slowly released the safety of his rifle and slowly lifts it to aim at the buck. Inside his mind, he felt a tinge of sadness, this buck had been around for awhile, he had to have escaped death more than once and he was beautiful…..and yet it was going to die for people who wouldn’t remember it tomorrow.…..WHAAAAMM BAM! The shock of the rifle bounces off the hunter’s shoulder as he glances up just in time to see his price buck running off into deep woods. The hunter understood that the buck would surrender and then the hunter would be ready for him. First there was something he had to do…….he had to go get Sam a.k.a Sabueso. Sam hated the hunter for all the work he had to do but the hunter knew that one day Sam would see that all the work he made him do was for a purpose. The hunter pulled into the yard and there was Sam sitting under the porch, dirty and worthless. He was a hound dog but he all he did was sleep and eat. Not much of a dog but the hunter knew that he had potential and didn’t give up on him like everybody else had done.

The hunter loaded Sam into the truck and returned to the place where the deer had been shot. He had to lead Sam straight to the spot where the blood trail begin, Sam wasn’t much of a tracker….yet….Sam looked up at the hunter as if saying; “you know I’m not made for this, I can’t track. I’m a failure”. The hunter just looked down and smiled so Sam began sniffing without much hope at first…..then something happened deep inside he felt something change, he knew what he had to do. He took off on the trail without much thought of what he was doing; he just knew he had to get a start on the trail. Sam followed that trail until dark. In the dark, the trail got harder to find, he got off of it a couple of different times but the smell of the blood was so much stronger than anything else… so it wasn’t that hard to realize his mistake and get back on the right trail. Sam ran and kept going until he couldn’t go any further and then he stopped and lay down on the ground. The different trails and scents that deceived him earlier in the course had left him exhausted and winded. He was sad that he had let his master down and didn’t think he could continue. That is when he saw a light and then the hunter appeared. The hunter picked Sam up, carried him back to a small fire, fed him, gave him water, and allowed him to rest. His master took care of all his needs. That night the hunter called Sam over to him and said “Good boy. You did a good job, now rest and tomorrow we will start again. You did it Sam, you did the one thing people said you couldn’t do. You found the trail”. Sam fell asleep and for the first time in a long time, he was happy. The next morning, Sam got up and started on the trail with his master by his side. There was no way Sam would stop until he did what his master had told him to do, no other sight or smell could deter him from the path he was on today, he was stubborn and headstrong and wouldn’t stop till he completed his course, and all he had to do was follow that path. With the hunter by his side, Sam followed the blood trail all the way to the buck. The buck had gone through more than most deer would endure. Sam and the hunter approached the buck slowly however once the buck saw them he gently lay down, gave up the fight and died. Sam looked up at the hunter and saw a look of sadness pass over his face……...Sam had learned one important lesson during the last few days….he would never again give up on finding the source of the blood or get off of the blood trail……..Sam had done what his master asked him to do and he would never do less than that again no matter what every other dog said about him.


Stacey Analogy for this story (you may have guessed it already)

The Hunter: God is our hunter, he goes before us, he provides us safety from danger, and he lays out our course/calling. He is invisible to others around him, but others seem to draw to him even though they can’t see him. He had compassion on us when nobody else did, he sent “the prize” Jesus Christ to die for us so that we could be saved. He watched his Son die for us….oh how it must have hurt but he did this for us sinners. He is there for us when we are weak and gives us strength to fulfill our calling.

The Buck: The deer is Jesus Christ. God sent his only begotten son to die on a cross for our sins. Jesus willingly looked in the face of his Father, surrendered to his will and gave up the spirit for us sinners. We can’t expect JESUS to run to us but we must run after the one who gave his blood for us. We have to search him out! He left a clear path and all we have to do is follow the bloodline. He is always on the path with the blood and as long as we don’t get off this path then he is always there.

Sam (Saved Annointed Man) – the dog: The dog is us – we are nothing but dirty old dogs and sinners. However, one day, our master calls us and gently leads us to a small trail. Jesus Christ is calling out to us sinners by his blood. Once we accept and acknowledge the blood trail (and repent for our sins) then this trail is our calling. It is what our Master has laid out for us, other smells or things may try to defer us off the trail but in the end, the blood is stronger. We have to run this race and finish our course that is set by our Master. Because by following the blood we get closer and closer to our King of Kings and Lord of Lord – Jesus Christ. We may at times lose the scent but with our face down (on your knees and pray) we will pick up the scent again. We work for our Master and we must fulfill the course he has planned for us to accomplish. When we get tired and need rest, the Master will always be there to uplift us and give us strength 

Questions to ask ourselves when the going gets tough: What would have happened if these people had quit their course/calling?

• Noah = Game over (no reset/restart – there is no “extra lives” in the game of “FLOOD”). Yes people laughed at him and that what God told him to do wasn’t going to happen and never would happen but God did it. God may sometimes tell us to do things that don’t make sense to the world but trust God and do what he tells us and it will all work out. Trust me ;)

• Joseph = everybody would have died from the 7 year famine. He was hated by his family but a blessing to his family in the end. He had no anger at the brothers who had wanted to kill him and even sold him into slavery…wow…what does that say about FORGIVENESS? Pray for and forgive the ones who hurt you because if you can’t forgive them, how can you expect Jesus Christ to forgive you?

• Moses = Sorry my brothers but you have to be slaves the rest of your lives……thankfully Jesus will send someone to help when you don’t think you can go on….look for Jesus for his timing and trust in him for your deliverance from bondage!

• Elijah = the child wouldn’t have been raised from the dead and the widow would have starved to death. These are just a few of the thing that wouldn’t have happened….its God’s timing for our lives, if Elijah hadn’t gone to the widow when he did would she have had any food left? Trust God for his timing! It has a purpose we may not understand but we don’t have to :)

• David = I hear the hyenas from Lion King saying “No King No King”….there would have been an evil king and not the anointing and elected King. David had a very hard time getting to his calling, he faced death on numerous occasions but he pressed forward and trusted God. The devil even tried to get him away from Jesus Christ by tempting him with a beautiful woman but even though David did fail that temptation he had enough guts to ask for forgiveness and repent for his sins. He didn’t continue living in his sin. He admitted it and repented. We need to repent for current sins and not pick them up again….

• JESUS = we would all be doomed for an eternity of hellfire and brimstone. Don’t you know the thought of dying hanging on a wood cross with nails in your hands and feet would terrify you? And what if you were dying for your worst enemy, would you quietly go to the cross? Jesus did! He died for us sinner who hated him. He didn’t say a word; he walked humbly to his death for us. So why do we deny him daily when we are in the world? We must live for Christ all the time and not part time. He didn’t “half way” die for us; he took the full extent of punishment and pain even though he could have called angels to rescue him at any time. He could have commanded his body to not feel pain but he didn’t. He felt everything for us and some days we can’t even feel enough for him to read our Bibles and pray for an hour…..

What is the purpose of this blog? Well to say when the going gets tough keep going. If each one of the above people would have given up and said, I can’t do what God wants me to do then look at the other reality. God has given each one of us a special calling and course that we must fulfill for His kingdom. God has blessed each one of us with special talents and we should use the talents God has given us for his GLORY and not our own. We should never envy other people’s gifts because our Father has given us one that is unique and special for our work for his kingdom. If you envy someone else’s gift then you are belittling the gift that God has given you. So next time you don’t think you can go on in the calling God has placed in your life just remember HE has gone before you and made the crooked places straight, the blood is already covering your course, and he has given you exactly what you need to fulfill the calling he has placed on your life.

SO RISE UP and don’t let the devil tell you that you can’t do it and that you are too weak. Satan is the author of confusion and that is always a good sign you are on the wrong path.


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