Debridement of the Flesh

Lovely title don't you think?

For those of you who don't know the meaning of debridement it means "Surgical excision of dead, devitalized, or contaminated tissue and removal of foreign matter from a wound." Wounds are sometimes debrided with a wet-to-dry dressing. This means “A sterile Normal Saline saturated gauze is packed deep inside a wound and left for about 8 hours. After 8 hours the gauze is dry and the gauze is slowly pulled from the wound and debrides the wound by pulling out all of the pus and infection on the dried piece of gauze. Disgusting sometimes but necessary to promote healing.

For those of you who don't know on August 3rd I got a motorcycle muffler burn and have been
treating it myself. Last night I had to perform non-surgical debridement on the wound. Why? Because due to the thick burnt skin the wound was not healing properly and was delayed in being able to heal from the inside out. While it hurt extremely bad to do this myself, it was necessary in order to aide in the healing of the wound. During the debridement the wound started bleeding and afterwards I had to put Silvadene on it and cover it to keep it sterile and prevent infection from entering the wound. So just a few minutes ago, I took the bandage off the wound and I am amazed myself at how much better it looks today and how far it has healed since last night....

Spiritual analogy I feel God just showed me tonight: Sin is like a burn, it goes deep, it cause infection, delays healing, and can make us very sick. Our fleshly wants and desires need to be sacrificed daily and our spiritual self needs to be uplifted. While sin kills, Jesus heals! JESUS takes that burnt up skin and he slowly begins to heal it. How? The same way a wound must heal....FROM THE INSIDE OUT....Sin must be pushed out of the body so that we can heal from the inside out. Sometimes we have to go deep and begin to remove things from our lives, sometimes we may hurt a little but in the end we will be healed in a whole and complete way. The blood from the wound is Jesus Christ. While bleeding is good for a wound because it helps stimulate healing and washes away the infection. JESUS CHRIST covers our sins and he creates a new person. Sin will destroy but Jesus can rebuild and began anew. Just like a burnt piece of skin needs to heal by debridement and by doing this, the inner part of the body begins creating new skin cells, our bodies need to push out the bad things and begin building on new spiritual things. When Jesus heals us it isn't a quick fix, it is a slow and long, something painful process but in the end we are made whole and brand new! Most of the time the painful process is our resistance to change, and our lack to let go of the things of this world. Jesus looks past the ugly and sees the potential inside. If the skin that is burned is not properly treated, it will get worse and so will sin that is left untreated. Sin will take over and can destroy you! Repent today and see Jesus healing you from the inside out!

Treatment: Silvadene cream is used to treat burns. Silvadene Cream is a soft, white, water-miscible cream containing the antimicrobial agent silver sulfadiazine in micronized (small) form. SILVADENE Cream 1% (silver sulfadiazine) spreads easily. I never thought I would want to shout over a medication but HALLEUJAH! Do you see the analogy coming from this? I have been putting Silvadene on my burn to help it heal. It is soft, it is white, it is antibacterial, and it spreads easily.....

The Holy Spirit is soft, and spreads easily among the believers. It is the antibacterial agent that keeps sin from taking over by giving us the soft quiet voice. The white is the healing powers after the blood, after the blood we can be white as snow!!!! Then we can be washed by the living waters that will cause us not to thirst ever again. Our sin is covered by the blood of the lamb and then we will be white as snow :)

Sin debridement process
• Discover the extent of the sin and ask forgiveness
• Repent for your sin
• Keep daily praying and cleansing your body to prevent sin from taking over
• Remember Jesus heals our hearts; ask him for help today to heal you from the inside out. Once the inside is healed then the outside appearance becomes “prettier”.

Just some thoughts from Africa :) God Bless!


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