August 7th, 2010 - PM

Every human does it. We try to be perfect and act like we don’t have any problems in attempts to fulfill our “perfect reality bubble”. Why do we do it? Why do we have to put up a fake self to deal with others? Why? Natalie Grant’s song “Perfect People” describes it perfectly. God is the only perfect person!
I think deep down each one of us wants to be accepted by each other. We think that if we are less than perfect we won’t be accepted and therefore we all act like perfect people who live in a perfect world. Secretly we cry ourselves to sleep at night, during the day we put up a fake and happy smile for the entire world to see when deep down we are dying and in need of help. So why not ask for it? Sometimes we are afraid our weaknesses will be laughed at and help will never come. A majority of the time it is because we are too prideful to ask for help we don’t want to humble ourselves to admit we can’t help ourselves anymore.
What is the purpose of this Blog? I really don’t know the words came flooding out and I had to find a place to write them.
The Lord is our healer; he is our refuge and strong tower. He died for us don’t you think he wants to help us? The dark muddy deep pit you are at the bottom of isn’t hopeless. Look up!!! And see your Savior getting on his hands and knees in the mud, shining his light down on your situation and reaching down his hand to help you get back up out of that place. Do you hear him calling down to you? He knows your name! He knows the number of hair on your head, he loves you! He cares for you! Open your heart, open your soul and open your mind to the power of JESUS CHRIST. Others may ridicule you for believing in God….who cares?! JESUS CHRIST died for you don’t you think he was made fun of for not saving himself from this awful death? If Jesus can die on a cross for you, can’t you stand up for him? In the end the voices making fun of you for standing firm in Christ, they are going to be the ones screaming for help, and doomed for hell. Eternal life is worth it all. This world will fade away, loved ones will go before you, and your possessions will be destroyed and tossed away like trash, so why are you hanging onto this world? Why not hang on to the hand of life, the hand of truth, the hand of hope, the hand of peace? The hand of JESUS CHRIST! He is waiting with his arms open, his hands reaching down to save you from the fires of Hell. Will you reach up and take his hand?


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