Things I normally don't do but........

There are some things here that I normally wouldn't do in the USA but have begun doing while I'm here.

1. I've turned into one of those people. Yes the people I use to make fun of for drinking coffee every morning to get going.....yes I must have my coffee or I can't function...the ritual morning am shower just isn't cutting it anymore.
2. I make my coffee the night before and place it in the fridge. Some things don't change and me getting up an extra 15 minutes early just to make coffee is not happening. Improvising :)
3. I'm packing lunches for school. Something I haven't done since ummmmm forever. The lack of Mcdonald's, Taco Bell, Chickfila and Burger King has caused me to start planning ahead and making my lunch the night before....ha ha...tomorrow I will be feasting on whole potatoes covered with garlic and cheddar cheese, rice, kidney beans and possibly a piece of homemade white bread...yummy!
4. I'm having to use a daily planner which I despised in the US and always used a Monthly planner.
5. I drink more water in Niger. However, I fill and place my bottle in the fridge at night so it is ready in the AM. Yet again I'm not getting up early for any reason ;)
6. I carry 1 liter of water on me during the day.
7. I can't remember which day it is most of the time here and this is another good reason for the weekly calendar.
8. I shower more than once a day. One time I showered four times in one day :)
9. I have stopped using the air conditioner except on extremely hot and humid nights. Amazing :)
10. I eat lots of Chunk White TUNA in water and I love it. Yes the fish hater has turned to a fish lover.
11. I talked to my family and husband longer on the phone now than when I lived in the USA ;)

Things that probably won't change while I'm in Niger...
1. I still have my strong germ phobia where I have to wash my hands all the time. This is actually a good thing while in Niger.
2. I still lock my bedroom, house and truck door. Yes this is also a really good thing while I'm in Niger.
3. I still have a check register even though I don't have a checking account and budget my monthly money.
4. I still love to sleep in :)
5. I still have four alarms set on the cell phone and one on my alarm clock and yes they do all snooze still. They begin 1 hr before time to get up.
6. I still use Lava soap as many times as possible during the day.
7. I still have a cell phone and tons of keys on me at all times.
8. I still use shampoo and conditioner.
9. I still have my morning Praise and Worship music playing while I get ready.
10. I still facebook.
11. I still will do anything Jesus Christ tells me to do and nothing will ever change that! God Bless :)


  1. Still sounds like my baby! *G* ..just with an African twist:?


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