03/02/2020 - Hard Day

Yesterday was a serious spiritual battle all day for multiple reasons. One of those things was my Bible with all my notes and prepared sermon got left at church service #1 and I failed to realize it until after church service #2 and when we were on the way to preach said lost sermon for class. I can't stand electronic stuff, I wanted my twice rebounded Bible with all my highlights and notes from ever struggle in the last couple of years and I worked on the sermon carefully. Thankfully my Bible had been found but was lock in a storage closet unavailable to me. Not going to lie, I was upset at a certain someone for leaving it and said person said "Just be led by the Spirit" and I replied "Easy for you to say Mr. Ipad". Yeah not great moment for me and showed my super lack of trusting in God's provision. I remembered something in that Ahhhh! time. Dear Bishop Ogutu once told me a story of a time when He went to preach and the wind blew His notes away and the Holy Spirit helped him preach. Just trust God. I got to church and pulled up a Bible on my ipad and I realized AGAIN I have to surrender everything and trust God completely and He will never fail to give me what I need.
Whats the point of this? In the fearful moment do you trust God? In the times of trials do you remember who He is in you? Do you allow His word to be a light to your path all the time? Do you know what you have read when you dont have your highlights and notes in your comfort Bible? When you comfort zone is gone, do stand strong or run away?
It isn't the physical Bible but the words inside that we are to know and hold close. One day I might not even have access to a Bible but have I truly learned it while reading it and allowed His words to be hidden in my heart?
Yesterday I grew a little, and as I was reflecting on some of my questions to God, they were answered by the echoing in my mind from the message that I preached last night. It wasn't just for them in the room it was for me because yesterday was a rough day but God knew what needed to happen before I could do what He needed me to do. Trust Him completely.
Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. [6] In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.


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