4/7/2020 - My Reflections

Coronavirus, to most it would offer a fearful emotion but for me, it causes feelings of relief and expectancy. You see to some this is detrimental to their very way of life and to some this calm time is what we have been praying for. Death of friends, family members or people, no we didn't pray for that. I of all people know the cruel sting of death, it hurts and scars you deep, life is never the same after such despair. I prayed for change and revival. I prayed that America would wake up and fall to their knees. After the Governor of New York lit up the World Trade Center tower pink, I knew then things were going to change. You can't celebrate killing children and expect God to pat you on the back and say that it is ok. You can't turn your back from God, deplete yourself of moral values and think He is going to shine on your worst day, when you blocked the sun out yourself. God is a jealous God. America, we have setup idols just like the Israelites. For the ones that don't know about the Israelites, find/download a Bible and look in Exodus 7, there we learn about Moses and Aaron. Moses was to be killed for being a baby boy, the Pharoah ordered all boys to be killed. So Moses' mom placed him in a basket and floated him down the river in a basket, that alone should have taken him out, but then He landed right at the feet of the Pharoah's daughter. Just because we see our enemy, that doesn't mean God doesn't have a plan or that He isn't protecting us. 

Moses was raised in the palace by Pharoah's daughter. Watch what is being brought into your house by your kids, you will answer for it one day. Moses flees from Egypt and discovers his original family members and then God speaks to Him and tell Him to go to Pharaoh and tell him to set all the Israelite slaves free. Don't you think He had to deal with all sorts of fear and uncertainty? I mean it says that in Exodus 6:11-12. So God sent Moses with Aaron, sent them out two by two. Moses went back to Egypt and the Pharoah was told that He needed to let the Israelites go free. Pharoah's heart was hardened even though He heard what Moses said to Him. The Egyptians had to have their eyes opened to Moses as being sent by God. And Moses and Aaron, they obeyed God (Exodus 7:6).

God sent plagues onto Egypt for Pharoah's refusal to release the Israelites. Pharoah had multiple times to allow the children of Israel to be free but He had a stronghold on them. Strongholds are hard to break and hard to give up without God's help. The Israelites had multiplied in strength in their place of bondage. Strongholds if not repented and dealt with, will become stronger and harder to deal with as evident in Luke 11:21-26. Only through God can you overcome. Strongholds set up to sustain your needs will lead to your downfall. Strongholds set up as idols, now that is scary. Idols topple, God is jealous, why are worshipping earthly things? Why are you allowing lust to become a stronghold and an idol in your life? Why are you allowing jealousy to setup with bitterness in your life? Why are you allowing pride to add to your confidence when the sum of all your confidence should be in the Lord Jesus and everything else is a subtraction to that! Why are you allowing a lustful woman, man or computer to separate you from God? What on this earth is worth your dying and going to hell for? NOTHING!!!!! So stop it, fall on your knees, confess your sins, break that stronghold and turn back to God the only one to be worshipped! "I don't really think it is a sin"....yeah that voice you hear that tells you that, satan is the master of lies. he is whispering lies of betrayal into your ears, he is making what is before your eyes more valuable than what is in your soul. Betrayal to the ONE who was beaten for you, the ONE who cried God's will not my own, who bled, died and rose again for you. JESUS!

So all the plagues were displayed, people died, and Pharoah finally set the people free. But Pharoah pursued the Israelites, He let them think they were free only to bring a strong army after them. The devil is not happy you have been set free from his hold. He will pursue you and try to overcome you and put you back into bondage. But I am here right now to tell you, don't give up, don't entertain the thought of going back to bondage. You have been set free by the power of God's blood and you do NOT want to go back to what you were delivered from once. You can go to bondage or you can continue under the protection of God and go to the promised land. Don't look back at the enemy behind you, walk forward with Jesus, walk in the path He places for you. Because when you walk through the unreal or scary situations in your path, just like the parting of the sea, God was with Israel and God is with His people and we can walk through the scariest situations and come out unharmed because we placed our faith and hope in the ONE who controls everything! Pharoah and his army were drowned by the sea, in the midst of their pursuit to destroy the Israelites they destroyed themselves. God set Moses at his enemies feet, He placed him in their house, He broke him out and put him in the desert, He sent him back to what He had made him flee, He made him faces his insecurity and fears and He made him walk in the confidence of the Lord. Moses put his trust in God and miracles were performed, plagues all around Egypt but Israel was safe as long as they did what God said. In the midst of our trials, we can trust God. We can trust Him to lead us back to help others to be delivered out of the same bondage we were delivered from. We can trust in His timing and plan because we know when He says go and move it is the right time and plan. In the destruction of the Egyptians and their bondage being annihilated, then the Israelites began to fear and believe in God (Exodus 14:31).

Coronavirus will not be our destruction if we trust in God. He has a plan, and a purpose. If people turn to Him and trust and believe in Him during this time, then shouldn't we endure the wilderness? Christians we don't have to be scared or fearful during this time, trust in God. Cause we know earthly things don't matter, that eternity is what matters. Take every opportunity to share Jesus with this world. Fear is everywhere, be peaceful because you know where your peace comes from. Fear, anxiety, depression, selfishness, and pride, I pray to be bound in the name of Jesus. It is time we look to heaven and realize that is where our hope comes from and not from ourselves. It is time we return to God, destroy all idols and strongholds from our lives, and pray for our Nation as a whole. Pray for our leaders. Pray for eyes to be opened to God and for people to see Jesus! Israel we have been in bondage but now it is time to turn and stand for God again and trust Him. It won't be easy but it will be worth it when we step over to the promised land!

Exodus 15:2 - The Lord is my strength and song and he is become my salvation: he is my God and I will prepare him an habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him.

Don't allow fear to reside in your temple, it is the temple of God and fear doesn't reside with God! But that is a whole different blog ;)


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