4/17/2020 - Jesus, I take you.

Time still continues no matter what has stopped your world. God is still on the throne today, the virus doesn't change that. Do you trust him only in the good times or do you trust Him in the bad? Just like marriage vows, if you are a Christian you should be committed to serving God in the better or the worse, and till death do you part and you see Him face to face. Maybe it is time for some of us to hit our knees and refresh our relationship with our King and get to know our first love all over again. Stop looking for others, drugs, alcohol, sex, porn and pride to fill something inside you that they can never fill. People will hurt you and knock you down but thank God I know a man who loved me so much He had nails put through his skin, ligaments, tendons, bones and blood vessels for me! He took beatings for my sins, He bled for me, then He died for me. Who else deserves my undivided love and attention? Only My Jesus.
I, ____, need you, JESUS, to be the Lord of my life, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, and this is my solemn vow.
Jesus, we love you even in the unknown and we trust you!
Even when we are scared, we are secure in your hands
When we are sad, you catch our tears.
When we are happy, we remember to thank you
When we pray, we praise you no matter the outcome cause your ways aren't our ways and your thoughts arent our thoughts but you are a good Father and love us!
We are given a time limit on this earth, are you using your time wisely or are you wasting it on things that won't matter when you see Jesus face to face? Be willing to step where He says step, go where He says go and follow wherever He leads you.
My Jesus goes with me day today, tomorrow and forever. Is he your Jesus too or just a name that you have become desensitized to? Chase Him and Be Truly Loved!


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