03/03/2020 - Bullseye

I miss the country, having a yard and being able to chainsaw limbs and burn trees. It's a way I de-stress.I see the potential of stuff not the current state and I like to see results but sometimes you dont get to. So lately to relax, I drive through the animal park, playing my praise and worship music and the kids have to find every animal on the map and count them, hey its math and science extra credit. So yesterday I'm riding and see this guy with the bullseye and it stood out from the other animals, and then I started thinking....
Spiritually do you feel like you have a bullseye on your back? If so be encouraged, you are considered a threat! You are on the right path, the enemy is watching and will try to take you out but keep going! If you turn around, guess what, no bullseye, you aren't going anywhere, you aren't a threat to the devil, and you need to hit your knees and pray and get back to where God wants you to go.
Don't be defeated when you are spiritually attacked, be encouraged!!!! Keep walking, keep going and dont stop and turn around!!! Keep your eyes on Jesus!!!! Leaders are born during adversity, are you ready to go forward and be effective but targeted, or turn around and just be one of the crowd?


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